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Hi Folks'
   Met wit Pat this morning at Lincoln Beach. On the water by 6:30 to very calm 65 degrees water. One small boat launched while I was unloading and one more got out bout the same time Pat got out. The depth in the channel was 4ft according to the Hummingbird. I made it almost half way out of the channel when the blue/silver flig rod went bouncy bouncy. Tipped with a baby white bass that Pat donated to the cause , cause I didnt have any. Good man that one.  Made it on out toward Benjamin Slough and started getting action on that same rod again . Was in 6ft of water.  7 of the eight I caught was on that rod. the other one I kept came on a pale perch whirly flig.  I lost 3 more . All fish I caught were in 4 to 6 ft . Good day for sure. Thanks for another good outing Pat.

[Image: DSCN2904.jpg][Image: DSCN2908.jpg]
If I was fishing with pat, I think I would just follow behind and fish out of his holding bag. Seems to always have somthing in it.

Glad this trip treated ya better
From the look of it, maybe Pat should have been fishin out of Lee's keeper bag................. Big Grin   although Pat did catch plenty of his own that he did the CPR thing with.
(09-18-2020, 01:40 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]If I was fishing with pat, I think I would just follow behind and fish out of his holding bag. Seems to always have somthing in it.

Glad this trip treated ya better
Maybe I should. Im afraid I would poke a hole in his tube then I would be in it deep. lol
Everybody picks on us little guys.  
Lee, I think you would have deep-sixed Pat.
(09-19-2020, 05:32 PM)catchinon Wrote: [ -> ]Lee, I think you would have deep-sixed Pat.
yep but he would have caught up to me later. Smile  i know i can out run him for short distance but my 71 yr old legs cant work that hard for very long. and he knows where i live. hehe
I for one would pay good money to see that race. But it has to start with Lee poking the hole in Pat's tube and then they both have to get to shore and extract themselves from the tube while we all die laughing.
Har de har!

He who laughs last...was slow to get the joke.  Or whatever.