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Met with Pat this morning to see what we could do at the bubble up. Nice morning. no wind, no bugs and great company.Don't remember what time we launched but the water temp was 62 and warmed to 63. The water was calm as could be but got just the right amount of chop fairly quickly. I fished blue/silver fligs with cut bait on both rods. All my fish caught in bout 5ft of water. Ended with 13 for the day with the biggest just over 26. Quite a few under 23.

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Great looking catch.  They all heading to the smoker ? 
No sense me starting another thread.  I'll just post my drivel and pics with you.  By the way, looks like that new camera is working well for you. 

As you found, once the fish turned on it was pretty steady action.  A few pop and drops but plenty of solid takers too.  I had 8 cats when you left...and a bunch of fillet-size white bass.  Caught another 4 or 5 cats on the way back to the harbor so I finished up about the same number as you did. 

My pictures show the California haze.  I made the reservation for no smoking but they didn't get it right.

I put the cat rods away for a while and played with jigs along the bubbleup.  No big concentrations of white bass...and no walleyes...but I did get quite a few fillet-size whities.  Kept about 8 for my cookie-making sis in law.  I got back to the ramp a little after noon.  Water temp was up over 64.  A late fall.

One of the "switcheroos" of the day was catching a decent white bass on a large minnow being dragged for catfish. 
And then while pitching jigs for white bass I caught two catfish on the small jigs.  Silly fish just don't read the directions.

[Image: SKUNK-KILLER.jpg][Image: HAZY-DAZE.jpg][Image: TODAY-S-RIG.jpg][Image: CHUNKY-25.jpg][Image: BUBBLEUP-BEAUTY.jpg][Image: FUNNY-CATFISH.jpg][Image: FUNNY-WHITIE.jpg][Image: FOOTLONG-WHITIE.jpg][Image: LOW-TIDE-BUBBLEUP.jpg][Image: EIGHT-TO-EAT.jpg]
(10-06-2020, 09:52 PM)Tin-Can Wrote: [ -> ]Great looking catch.  They all heading to the smoker ? 
No Sir,
          They are all still there . I dont keep many fish these days. But I still love to catch them.
It was a good day Pat. I took a few pictures of the smokey  sunrise too but they didnt turn out. I like the new camera. Once i got the card reader its much easier to download the pics.