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I just read that the Idaho license fees are increasing for nonresidents. 

"Most nonresident hunters, anglers and trappers will pay higher prices for licenses, tags and fees starting Dec. 1. Price increases will vary by item, but here are new prices for some of the most popular licenses and tags for adult nonresidents:
  • Nonresident combination hunting/fishing license increase from $240 to $264 
  • Nonresident hunting license increase from $154.75 to $185 
  • Nonresident fishing license increase from $98.25 to $108 
  • Nonresident deer tag increase from $301.75 to $351.75
  • Nonresident elk increase from $416.75 to $651.75
Nonresidents cannot buy 2021 hunting, fishing or trapping licenses until Dec. 1, however, they can buy three-year licenses at current prices, which will be valid through 2022."

So, as I read this I can purchase a three-year license, before Dec. 1st, and of course I would need to pay for three years and it will only be valid for two years!  Under what circumstances does that make sense?  What am I missing?
All non-residents had the choice to purchase a 2020 license as far back as Dec 1 2019 so if you choose not to until now, you have forfeited those previous months as a personal decision. It is no different for a resident if they choose not to purchase a 2020 license until now, they have also forfeited their right to hunt anything in the previous months of the year.
And even if you purchase a 2021 license on Dec. 1, it does not give you the right to hunt until January 1, 2021 and not Dec 2020.
(10-22-2020, 11:21 PM)mtncntrykid Wrote: [ -> ]All non-residents had the choice to purchase a 2020 license as far back as Dec 1 2019  so if you choose not to until now, you have forfeited those previous months as a personal decision. It is no different for a resident if they choose not to purchase a 2020 license until now, they have also forfeited their right to hunt anything in the previous months of the year.
And even if you purchase a 2021 license on Dec. 1, it does not give you the right to hunt until January 1, 2021 and not Dec 2020.

I am the proud owner of a 2020 annual non-resident Idaho license, that I purchased several months ago.  Idaho is missing out (just like Utah did until the last few years) by not having their fishing licenses run from the date of purchase for the next 365 days, rather than expiring on December 31st.
"I am the proud owner of a 2020 annual non-resident Idaho license, that I purchased several months ago. Idaho is missing out (just like Utah did until the last few years) by not having their fishing licenses run from the date of purchase for the next 365 days, rather than expiring on December 31st."

Guess I am missing something because I don't understand how you are missing out (or anyone)? Please explain.
(10-25-2020, 04:03 AM)mtncntrykid Wrote: [ -> ]"I am the proud owner of a 2020 annual non-resident Idaho license, that I purchased several months ago.  Idaho is missing out (just like Utah did until the last few years) by not having their fishing licenses run from the date of purchase for the next 365 days, rather than expiring on December 31st."

Guess I am missing something because I don't understand how you are missing out (or anyone)? Please explain.

I just thought it odd that they would send an email, NEAR THE END OF OCTOBER, mentioning that one could NOW purchase a three-year license, that would, at best, be good for 2 years and 2 1/2 months) and come out ahead, over just waiting and buying another individual license, for the next two years, at the increased amount.  I guess if one still needed an annual license (because daily licenses can add up fast) for the remainder of 2020, then it would be the route to go.  I just thought it was a strange reminder, but then again, I am a little (some might say a lot) strange.  No biggee. 

Also, it is unfortunate that Idaho hasn't switched to a 365-day fishing licenses.  I'm confident, Utah has increased their license sales by making the change.
Kent, I like strange people, and I know what you mean. They are setting up a new on line system here and I tried to get set up today. My three year combination license expires this year. I got my credit card registered but couldn't find out how to buy a new three year licence automatic when your last one expired, like it said I could do. I got the rights to buy any of the tags or permits, but not the licence itself. However, you need to have a license to buy a tag. So go figure. Maybe the system isn't quite set up yet.
Randy,you need to update your profile online. If that doesn't work you can call this # (800) 554-8685 and get all set up.
I did update my profile, and set up my credit card. And like I said, I got the right to buy all the tags and permits auto matic. But no way to purchase another license. All I want is a new 3 year combination license to become active on Jan. 1st. In case I want to fish Henry's the last day. Or a lot of times I hit Magic on the New year's day.
You'll have to call that # then and they can fix it, evidently there's some issues with the new system and they need to fix it for you, according to the email I got from them.
Thanks Lyle, I'll call them. I just figured they would have it fixed by the middle of December or so.
No problem Randy, after getting the email I figured it'd be a hassle, gonna have to do the same myself before the end of the year.
Hey Lyle, do you think this problem will cause me to have a problem getting a one day non resident license?
I'm not really sure Curt. If you have a online profile I'm guessing you will probably have a issue. If you just log on as a guest you may not. Might just be easier for you to call and buy one.
(11-26-2020, 04:22 PM)meancuznalfy Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not really sure Curt. If you have a online profile I'm guessing you will probably have a issue. If you just log on as a guest you may not. Might just be easier for you to call and buy one.
Probably closed today and we are going tomorrow, so I wonder if I can get one at Walmart, without any problems. When I came up and fished with you a few months ago, I did not have any problem buying one online.
I'm sure you can get one at the store without any problems, you could always try the online thing and see if it'll work for you.
(11-26-2020, 08:07 PM)meancuznalfy Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure you can get one at the store without any problems, you could always try the online thing and see if it'll work for you.
I tried online last night with no luck but maybe I was using the wrong web site, do you know what the correct site is?
It's this one,, you going to Henry's?
(11-26-2020, 08:39 PM)meancuznalfy Wrote: [ -> ]It's this one,, you going to Henry's?
No, we are going to Lucky Peak for kokanee and trout, if the kokes are not biting. Thanks for the link Lyle.
Your welcome Curt, good luck, have a safe trip.
Any licence dealer, like Wall Mart or gas station at Malad can sell you a one, two or three day licence in advance a day or two. I buy my brothers for him at Wall Mart before he gets here.

At least I think to 3 days. I've only bought my brother 1 day at a time. Once you are in the system you just need the name birth date and address and they print a license. Say for tomorrow or the next day.

(11-28-2020, 01:32 AM)fast_randy Wrote: [ -> ]Any licence dealer, like Wall Mart or gas station at Malad can sell you a one, two or three day licence in advance a day or two. I buy my brothers for him at Wall Mart before he gets here.

At least I think to 3 days. I've only bought my brother 1 day at a time. Once you are in the system you just need the name birth date and address and they print a license. Say for tomorrow or the next day.
Of course out of state only. I don't think they have a one day residents licence.
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