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Full Version: NEW "LineTight"' Rod & Line Storage Solutions! A Closer Look!
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[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]A New Storage & Identification Solution For Your Reels, Line, Spools & Transportation Needs!

Recently i received a package from Tony Lopez of Fishing Solutions from Austin, TX who wanted my opinion of a new product line to help out anglers. It came with no instructions & no video was available. But after i looked at everything it was pretty clear what Mr Lopez intended. So i put this video together to explain these items featured. It'll benefit those with multiple rod & reel rigs.

For someone like myself it's getting harder to remember the line strengths on all my rigs. This system should help those that need to target certain species by using specific line strengths. Tony is the one who invented The Bell Buddy.

[color=var(--ytcp-link-color)][/color][Image: IMG-8552.jpg]

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(11-06-2020, 06:44 AM)ScubaChris Wrote: [ -> ][color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]A New Storage & Identification Solution For Your Reels, Line, Spools & Transportation Needs!

Recently i received a package from Tony Lopez of Fishing Solutions from Austin, TX who wanted my opinion of a new product line to help out anglers. It came with no instructions & no video was available. But after i looked at everything it was pretty clear what Mr Lopez intended. So i put this video together to explain these items featured. It'll benefit those with multiple rod & reel rigs.

For someone like myself it's getting harder to remember the line strengths on all my rigs. This system should help those that need to target certain species by using specific line strengths. Tony is the one who invented The Bell Buddy.


I like it Chris, I have a friend that uses one of those label machines to do the same thing but this is much easier and it protect the spool at the same time, great idea. Thanks for sharing this with us.