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Full Version: Scofield cast and blast
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Myself and a buddy of mine, who has been getting into fishing the last few years and now wants to try hunting, took the boat to scofield today to try and catch some fish and maybe shoot some ducks.
We arrived at 550 in the AM and waiting for it to get a little lighter to launch. After we launched I caught 3 around the ramp and we both missed a few. Decided to move to another spot. After that it was kinda spotty. At the end of the day my buddy had shot his first two ducks and had his best fishing day ever with a total of 95 for him. I ended up with 3 ducks and 116 fish. 211 between the two of us isn’t too bad of a day. 
We used a variety of white tubes, didn’t seem to really make a difference if it was solid white, pearl, clear, whatever seemed to work. We were also tipping with minnow for a while until we realized, the fish didn’t care, they were gonna eat it regardless. And I would say 80% if the fish caught were caught just hanging the tube over the side of the boat. We would flip it out ten feet and let it fall back to the boat and wait for the hit. It would take ten minutes to tie on a new tube because your other pole was constantly getting a bite. 
In all it was a good day. 
Also, this is my second outing in my grandpa boat sense he passed away. I would say he was there with us today.
Cutties love those white tube jigs, and tigers too! WTG!
Looks like you all had a fantastic day. Congrats!
Great day! Looks like they were shallow too.
I was Sad to hear of Clint's passing. I barely got to know him and looked forward to fishing near him at Lincoln Beach again. Please accept my condolences and regards for a great man.