12-06-2020, 03:18 PM
I went to Henrys for the 5th. and last time this year on Saturday 12/5 and really had to work to catch 9 trout and 1 chub before the dreaded 11am shutdown. I caught the first 2 on my favorite White with red flake Gitzilla but switched to a glow orange Gitzilla to catch the rest. There was no lack of fish on my graph, I would actively jig to bring them in, then they would just look without biting, very frustrating. The weather was beautiful, sunny no wind. I did see a guy with 3 kids fishing a spread of Jaw Jackers a couple hundred yards farther out than us steadily catching fish, they had 12 by the time I got my 9th at 11 but continued to catch fish, I considered moving out their direction but I broke my auger setting up first thing in the morning. It was nice being out there with Randy and my Father in law Sid, even if the fishing was slow. My Henrys count for Ice 2020 is 137 over 5 trips. I will be back fishing Idaho Ice at Mackay on the 26th., 28th. and one other day that week, if anyone wants to join me your welcome to send me a message and we can hook up, trade notes and I’ll show you what works for me at Mackay.