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Full Version: Scheels ice gear on sale 12/7
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I stopped by Scheels today to see what they had in stock. They have quite a bit of gear with a few items that are discounted. 

I picked up a pair of Muck Artic Pro for $119.99 normally $199.99. As long as you don’t need size 12 they may have some (I got the display ones that were the last pair of 12’s)

They have some Vexilar units with $10-20 off and tents with varying discounts. 

I really like Scheels fishing selection. Different gear then what a lot of other places offer.
(12-07-2020, 09:09 PM)AFdude Wrote: [ -> ]I really like Scheels fishing selection. Different gear then what a lot of other places offer.

I agree, it's refreshing to see the different gear there. I wish it was a little closer though.
I agree they have a good quality line up of gear... My very favorite ice rod came from Scheels, no one else carried the good 13 Fishing ice rods at the time... Not sure if they have the TUCR's now or not, but I'd like to see those tuned up custom rods before I put that much money into one... I hear they are great, but I probably have more than I need now, so probably good I live too far away to go very often... but I would like to pick up one of those great battery deals.... I think they had 10 or 12 amp hour lithium batteries for under $50... Really like the light weight lithiums for my ice gear... Later J