Hit Echo with my Oldman today, caught more than my fill of 5-6 in perch. Kept about 26 ranging from 10-8 in, and my Dad caught a donkey first thing this morning. Great day on the ice, about 5+ in where we set up. Id still use caution when going out, but im happy with our first day on Echo this season.
Hey fishlord, did you see people crossing the lake ? How about snow machines on the ice.
That's a good looking perch there, congrats.
(12-19-2020, 03:37 AM)doitall5000 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey fishlord, did you see people crossing the lake ? How about snow machines on the ice.
The middle of the lake still looked a little sketchy too me..id give it a little bit longer, no machines yet..its making ice still cause it was starting to crowd up on the bank..
(12-19-2020, 03:37 AM)doitall5000 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey fishlord, did you see people crossing the lake ? How about snow machines on the ice.
Went yesterday. 12/23 .We took our snowmobiles. No problem.