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Full Version: Looking to join team for Burbot Bash
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Can't get a team together with my usual fishing partners due to them all having to work and so I am looking to join a team for the Bash.  I don't have much experience with Burbot but have been ice fishing for a few years. Have shelter and sonar. Let me know if you got a spot available. Thanks.
Going to bump you to the top. I hope someone is PM'd you and you get a team.
Dam, that sounds like fun, had you posted something last week I probably could have put something together. Hope you can find some help.


I don't have a team but would like to go as well maybe we can make our own team
I'd love to, just not sure I could swing it.
I might be able to swing it, with a few caveats, if you guys are serious send me a pm


I'm interested so if you guys wanna start a pm and get each other numbers let's do it!
Just sent the 2 of you a PM