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By my calculations we have just passed the mid-point of the contest season. Here's a summary of the standings so far.

Overall : 
1. EyLayo 13 points Panfish #1 13.5" perch; Trout #6 21" cutthroat; Bass #1 18" largemouth; Predator #2 default; Others #3 10" grayling
2. wiperslayer1 16 points
3. Hookngrinin 17 points
4. catchinon and Fritzfishin 20 points 
6. Kentofnsl 23 points
7. joatmon 26 points
8. DJHill16, Jig-fisher, SkunkedAgain and DailyAngler 27 points
12. RollWithit 34 points
13. T-Boz and chalkcreekut 36 points

Total inches: Fritzfishing 118"

Number of species: EyLayo 14

Number 1s by species:

Perch: EyLayo 13.5"
White Bass: Hookngrinin and catchinon 12.5"
Crappie: DJHill, Jig-fisher and chalkcreekut 10"
Green Sunfish: Dailyangler 8"
Bluegill: EyLayo and joatmon 8"
Brown Trout: Hookngrinin 23.5"
Rainbow Trout: EyLayo 20.5"
Cutthroat: wiperslayer1 24"
Kokanee: EyLayo 10"
Tiger Trout: joatmon 17"
Largemouth Bass EyLayo 18"
Wiper: EyLayo 4"
Tiger Musky: SkunkedAgain 31.5"
Carp: SkunkedAgain 22.5"
Channel Catfish: Fritzfishin 22.5"
Shiner: EyLayo 4"
Grayling: EyLayo 10"


thanks craig good to see where everyone is sitting! ive been slacking the last few weeks due to work and bobcat huntin but hopefully this weekend i can get something, theres a little pond frozen where i may be able to pull something out of on my way home from work one day. good luck everyone!
(01-27-2021, 01:00 PM)catchinon Wrote: [ -> ]By my calculations we have just passed the mid-point of the contest season. Here's a summary of the standings so far.

Overall : 
1. EyLayo 13 points Panfish #1 13.5" perch; Trout #6 21" cutthroat; Bass #1 18" largemouth; Predator #2 default; Others #3 10" grayling
2. wiperslayer1 16 points
3. Hookngrinin 17 points
4. catchinon and Fritzfishin 20 points 
6. Kentofnsl 23 points
7. joatmon 26 points
8. DJHill16, Jig-fisher, SkunkedAgain and DailyAngler 27 points
12. RollWithit 34 points
13. T-Boz and chalkcreekut 36 points

Total inches: Fritzfishing 118"

Number of species: EyLayo 14

Number 1s by species:

Perch: EyLayo 13.5"
White Bass: Hookngrinin and catchinon 12.5"
Crappie: DJHill, Jig-fisher and chalkcreekut 10"
Green Sunfish: Dailyangler 8"
Bluegill: EyLayo and joatmon 8"
Brown Trout: Hookngrinin 23.5"
Rainbow Trout: EyLayo 20.5"
Cutthroat: wiperslayer1 24"
Kokanee: EyLayo 10"
Tiger Trout: joatmon 17"
Largemouth Bass EyLayo 18"
Wiper: EyLayo 4"
Tiger Musky: SkunkedAgain 31.5"
Carp: SkunkedAgain 22.5"
Channel Catfish: Fritzfishin 22.5"
Shiner: EyLayo 4"
Grayling: EyLayo 10"

  Hey, ya'll know you can see the regular standings updates  here, right ?
Yes. Thanks for the updates to the standings table.
It has been pointed out to me that with his 14 posted fish EyLayo now has 157.5" of fish. This was not reflected in my report. Through personal communication I knew he had gotten the 14 species but didn't take into account any of the others that have been reported but not shown up on the Standings yet. I'm sorry if I got anything wrong but I was going off of the posted Standings that I could see when I did the report. I figured the mid-point of the season as Jan. 22 and reported accordingly. As Tin-Can noted you can see all the scores on the contest forum. It's a moving target so you might want to check often if you'd like to follow what is happening.