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Full Version: Newton 1/30
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Caught a few perch today. 
Thanks Tubedude for jig recommendations otherwise I think we would not have caught what we did.  it was slushy but seemed to have hardened up when we left around 6.  

Jigs tipped with wax worms and small red worms.   I never got a bite on regular night crawler the whole day.  Even little pieces.  

...caught one big ol crappie large enough to lip.  Last fish of the day.  
Really nice today and it was awesome just being out.  
Good to hear you got a few. Did ya make some yummy tacos with em?
(01-31-2021, 03:55 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Good to hear you got a few. Did ya make some yummy tacos with em?
Yup.  One. Hahaha...  some were really really small
But as long as girlfriend is catching fish.... we are both happy.

That girl is a keep 'er happy.
How was the edges? Did all the new melt start to raise the level so there is a gap getting on the ice now? Glad you had some fun... Later Jeff
(02-01-2021, 01:25 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ]How was the edges?  Did all the new melt start to raise the level so there is a gap getting on the ice now?  Glad you had some fun... Later Jeff
Edges were a little soft but nothing to bad but we left a bit later so they hardened up a bit by then.  Able to take snowdog down the ramp and back up.   One wheeler was on the ice as well.
Thanks for the update... Jeff