I arrived at Deer Creek this morning before sunrise. Light drizzle of snow and a bit breezy. The ice was soft on the edge about 2 ft out, but once on I felt confident walking on the ice. I used my spud bar all the way out to where I wanted to fish. The ice was 5 inches thick and a bit cloudy. I set up to fish near a rocky shoreline where I had float tube fished in the past and knew the area and it had a nice drop-off. I found my best amount of interest from the toothy fish from 645 am until 8, then it shut down. I caught two walleyes, a 22 incher and a 19 incher. Both were males. I had a couple of other onlookers that did not want to hit my offerings. My sweet spot was 28 ft deep and the eyes would come up 5 ft off the bottom. Both eyes landed hit a tikka minnow tipped with perch meat. They both inhaled the tikka minnow. That was my first time catching eyes through the ice with something other than a rattling spoon. This morning the eyes didn't show interest in my trusty rattling spoon. I can't remember my BFT password to upload pictures from my phone. I was excited as it had been a couple of years that I waited for DC to freeze safely for my standards. With the upcoming temps, it may be a one and done trip for me to ice walleyes this year on DC.
Nice job Gabe! I was thinking of going up this morning but.... my fishing buddy is still asleep, ill be sure to show him what we missed out on!
I think I know your spot. Have done well there myself in the past...both open water and frozen.
Congrats on your good timing and good fortune. Now you can sleep nights again.
The fish gods have

d on you this day!!! Way to go!! Not only a walleye, but TWO. That is a great accomplishment. Good to know that Deer Creek is still able to kick a few out!!!
(02-06-2021, 03:48 PM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ]I think I know your spot. Have done well there myself in the past...both open water and frozen.
Congrats on your good timing and good fortune. Now you can sleep nights again.
I have a few spots in that area of DC actually and you may know where that was. I did not see any other evidence of anyone else on that spot I caught the two eyes that morning. I don't know about the sleep part, I am always thinking of when I can catch another walleye. Lol
(02-06-2021, 09:44 PM)Therapist Wrote: [ -> ]The fish gods have
d on you this day!!! Way to go!! Not only a walleye, but TWO. That is a great accomplishment. Good to know that Deer Creek is still able to kick a few out!!!
It is kind of funny that is the most I ever catch when I am chasing walleye through the ice. I have done that a few times in the last 10 years of fishing. I feel accomplished that I can actually target walleye and catch them. I usually score 5 or so on open water, even times of more than a limits worth. I have caught them on the flyrod as well. That 30 inch mark is still on my list. My biggest was 29 inches caught in the heat of summer during the morning hours on starvation.