02-24-2021, 04:04 PM
We came; we saw; we caught; we are Happy, Happy, Happy! ?
Arrived at 8 AM to a calm 28*F. JJANNIE (Jill & Jeff) were there as well along with another SnowDog owner and his bride of 2 years (they are both almost 80 ?). We conferenced and then headed out to the killing grounds. First of my 59 perch hit the ice in less than a minute after dropping the invite down. I immediately said to myself: “SELF; this is gonna be a good day!”
Big Earl and I proceeded to battle it out for the lead – back & forth; forth & back. We finally called it FINI about 1:30 PM. As I mentioned, my take for the day was 59 perch. Big Earl was just under 50 with a couple of bows thrown in for good measure. The wind was ALMOST not there, and the sun warmed these old bodies up nicely. Ice is still 12” plus and there is a couple inches (4 or 5) of snow on top. Maybe a thin layer of slush here and there. Edges are still machine ready. This was one of those glorious days to be out and about communing with nature.
And now, kindly have your children leave the room as its time for the fish porn.
Arrived at 8 AM to a calm 28*F. JJANNIE (Jill & Jeff) were there as well along with another SnowDog owner and his bride of 2 years (they are both almost 80 ?). We conferenced and then headed out to the killing grounds. First of my 59 perch hit the ice in less than a minute after dropping the invite down. I immediately said to myself: “SELF; this is gonna be a good day!”
Big Earl and I proceeded to battle it out for the lead – back & forth; forth & back. We finally called it FINI about 1:30 PM. As I mentioned, my take for the day was 59 perch. Big Earl was just under 50 with a couple of bows thrown in for good measure. The wind was ALMOST not there, and the sun warmed these old bodies up nicely. Ice is still 12” plus and there is a couple inches (4 or 5) of snow on top. Maybe a thin layer of slush here and there. Edges are still machine ready. This was one of those glorious days to be out and about communing with nature.
And now, kindly have your children leave the room as its time for the fish porn.