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yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


That game should be a no brainer as to who is going to lose. The Dodgers forgot what it is like to win an opener. I enjoy going to their games once in awhile but they sure dissappoint their loyal fans.

I'll take the Mets this time around and I'll say that they win by at least 4 runs.
Nice try there Bass. This one is for todays game with the Mets and my neighbors, the Dodos.
TubeN2, I just heard that the Dodgers are up 11-3. If they hang on, the opening day curse might be lifted... [Wink]
They really must be lucky right now because they usually end up about 20 and 80 by the end of the season. At least I have the confidence that they will win at least 7 more for the season.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] Hey Southernman, I'm not sure what all the excitement is about, cause Hockey season started months ago. LOL [/font] [/size]

[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] Take care, [/font] [/size]

[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David [/font] [/size]
ya I gotta get me a new team this year... maybe the mets, or even that team form tokyo... any one but the tigers.... lol....

I heard the tigers hired a new boy wonder, "gods gift to baseball" as if one man could be responcible for a winning series. its been a long time since I played my self, but I still remember it being called a team that we were playing on.[blush]

makes me wonder what is going on in the owner's mind these days...

bring it on, ice fishing season is gone it's time for the crack of the bat!!!
My Team is the Phillies and they just had a break! I mean a broken finger, Jim Thome will be out till the end of spring least it didn't happen during the season..

Lets Go Phillies !!!!
well the bats cracked in florida today for the tiger, the oposing team cracked the bat on the ball causing the tigers to watch the ball as it went flying over their heads and out of the park....
You are a Devils fan and a Phillies fan you must be in south west Jersey anyway [Image: Welcome.gif]

And stop by the Jersey board and say hello
the phillies have a great chance to win their division this year, they had a great team last year and they've added to it over the winter . .

atlanta has won that division 10 yrs straight, or maybe more? thats a tough one . . i used to go watch them play spring training in clearwater, fla

Hey there BigDevilFan, Welcome to BFT! If you need any help just ask[cool]
Hey BigDevilFan, Hi and welcome to the BFT message boards. I hope to see some fishing reports as well as your enthusiasm for sports.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!! I am from Atlantic County, NJ. I am considered a strange fish as far as sports go around here. I like the Phillies, Devils, and Broncos. I get ribbed about it all the time.
I hope to get some good tips and info as far as the fishing world goes. Unfortunately, due to my job, I was unable to go see any sports events or go fishing at all last year. I am hoping to change that this year. I have a better assistant manager this year, so I'm hoping to get some needed rec time.

Once again, thanks for the great welcome, I'm sure to enjoy these boards. I've been a member of BFT for a couple of years now and never ventured onto the boards.
Don't forget to check out the New Jersey Board and leave some reports when you go fishing I am also a Devils fan I'll be at the Devils Flyers game tuesday night
The cubs are coming to Anaheim. I got some tickes for the Sunday game in June. I think the Angels can go all the way this year, they look great on paper and they have a huge heart.

I still think the Giants can take the West in the NL. Sure the Padres and Rockies have improved, but hey, they are still the Padres and Rockies. The Dodgers suck and the DBacks lost Schilling and The Unit isn't what he was.

I think the Astros are way over-rated. It will be fun to see how good Clemons is when not only does he have to hit every game he pitches he has to worry about the fence being only 200 ft away at TenRun Field.

The Yankees have no heart, just a bunch of bickering over priced cry babies, and the only thing thing that will keep the BoSox from winning it all is the ninth inning.

Speaking of curses how about Teddy Ball Games son dying from Leukemia. That came quick and swift. How many people knew he had even been diagnosed. I'm not trying to be too cold hearted here, but that was a little freaky to me with all the sh*t he put his old man through after he passed on.

Well that's all I can think of for now. I'll problay get blasted from some Yankee fan now. So I'll be back!
Hey shewicker, Let me know when you get down here. Maybe we can root together and then go wet a line after the game.