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Full Version: Lincoln Beach 3-18-21
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First shot at Utah Lake this year.  Saw a brief wind window for today and jumped in.  35 degrees with a light but cold breeze at launch.  Glad for the gloves and hand warmers.  Water temp 47 in the main lake...but a couple of degrees warmer in the channel.

Main purpose of the trip today was to check out my new Garmin Striker Plus 7 sonar...with DI, SI, speed, GPS, split screens and a whole lotta other stuff that is gonna make my tube blush. I was getting ready to set it up for the day, I got a mental image of the mounting bracket that was still on my workbench at home. &$%#@

At least I had the foresight to bring my trusty Helix that the new unit is to replace.  Got it installed and went to plan B...actually fishing.  Devoted the first hour to working from 3-5 foot depths along the rocks off Lincoln Point.  Lots of casting practice and learning a lot about the "bottomfront property" (rocks) that attracts the toothy critters.  But none of those heathens came to church matter how religiously I worked for them.
[Image: DAWN-S-EARLY-LIGHT.jpg][Image: LONELY-LAUNCH.jpg][Image: TIMP-PURTY.jpg][Image: NEW-HOUSE.jpg]

The next hour was devoted to making big S turns...dragging bait and fligs from 6' out to 10' the point down to the L and back.  Only an occasional blip on the sonar and nary a twitch on either rod.  Never seen that area so barren.

Cranked up my big (electric) motor and roostertailed (yeah, right) over to the flats out off Benjamin Slough.  Watched the sonar all the way and there was no disturbance in the force.  The smell of striped kitty was beginning to filter into the air already filled with the sounds of lovesick geese and cranes on shore.

I initially ran the motor all the way into about 3-4 feet of water...since I have found some early cats that shallow before.  Not today.  Motored back out and S turned from 6-8 feet.  AHA!   A couple of "bottom anomalies" in the 8.5' zone.  Slammed on the brakes and put out a couple of with a whole 6" chub on an open bail rig...the other with a fire tiger KONG flig with a whole 4" chub minnow.

I probably hadn't moved more than 50 feet on low speed when the line popped out of the clip on the whole chub rig.  I let the fish move off a few feet, flipped the bail, allowed the line to come tight and it was game on.  The smell of stinky kitty disappeared as I put the net under that first fish...a healthy 25" mama cat.  Took her picture and sent her back home.
[Image: SKUNK-KILLER-25.jpg]

I had hardly finished wiping the catfish "essence" off my hands than the flig rod took a bounce.  I reached down and took it out of the holder and waited...until something tried to take that rod out of my hands.  Yeee hawww.
This fish had some shoulders.  Nothing flashy but lots of power and attitude.  I figured it would be a "measure" fish.  It was.  28.5" without being able to stretch it flat and pinch the tail.  Another purty lady cat.  Sent back to the lake after posing for a picture.
[Image: 28-5-INCHER.jpg]

Caught both fish within about 10 minutes of each other and it was all over by 11 AM.  I worked the heck out of that entire area until after noon before I finally accepted that I had already been overblessed. 

Only saw one boat leave the harbor this morning.  Looked like it headed for the orchards.  There were a couple of bank tanglers fishing inside the harbor as I came in and the lady caught about a 7-8 inch perch fishing under a bobber as I watched.  No other fisherfolk observed.
Nice report Pat even if it wasn't very fishy. Was wishin' I was there to give you some friendly how-to help to day but I had a Bendix gear and an impeller to replace in my boat today. Got a good start but the replacement part Mr. Amazon sent was all wrong -- another on the way.

Those channel markers were right where I usually launch my boat. Would have been decent of you to "rooster tail" them out to the channel opening for me. Early spring when the birds are pairing up is one of my favorite times to be at Lincoln. Weather looks a bit unsettled for the next couple of days but hopefully next week I'll be out there.

Was waiting for your catching report as well as a write up on your new Garmin toy.  "left the mount at home" huh? That little slip up is most likely "age related." It is a common ailment in the superannuated crowd, believe me, I know. When I make little goofs like that I try to keep them contained. I have a couple that are related to the drain plug in my boat but I choose not to elaborate.

Glad you avoided the skunk and had a few good tugs. I'm hoping the kitties will appear in greater numbers as the temps continue to climb. Sure hope the water holds up for us -- not lookin' good right now. We'll have to get after "em while we can and hope for enough water for some late summer big 'uns.

See you on the water soon I hope.
(03-19-2021, 12:06 AM)Boatloadakids Wrote: [ -> ]Nice report Pat even if it wasn't very fishy. Was wishin' I was there to give you some friendly how-to help to day but I had a Bendix gear and an impeller to replace in my boat today. Got a good start but the replacement part Mr. Amazon sent was all wrong -- another on the way.

Those channel markers were right where I usually launch my boat. Would have been decent of you to "rooster tail" them out to the channel opening for me. Early spring when the birds are pairing up is one of my favorite times to be at Lincoln. Weather looks a bit unsettled for the next couple of days but hopefully next week I'll be out there.

Was waiting for your catching report as well as a write up on your new Garmin toy.  "left the mount at home" huh? That little slip up is most likely "age related." It is a common ailment in the superannuated crowd, believe me, I know. When I make little goofs like that I try to keep them contained. I have a couple that are related to the drain plug in my boat but I choose not to elaborate.

Glad you avoided the skunk and had a few good tugs. I'm hoping the kitties will appear in greater numbers as the temps continue to climb. Sure hope the water holds up for us -- not lookin' good right now. We'll have to get after "em while we can and hope for enough water for some late summer big 'uns.

See you on the water soon I hope. always...for your immoral support.

I was thinking about your "exclusive" launch site when I saw those channel markers.  2 things.  1...I think you could still make it work.  2.  I'm pretty sure they will be hauling those out to the front soon.

I no longer refer to forgetfulness as a mind lapse.  I prefer to call it "selective mental data retrieval".  And when all circuits are busy, minor glitches are bound to happen.

In truth, I did not expect great numbers of cats today.  I am happy to have caught two.  Records over the years show that water above 55 degrees starts to produce a lot more active cats.  And by 60-65 they are wide open.

Also optimistic about water levels...for a while.  Depth was a steady 3-4 feet all the way out the channel today.  They still have the gates closed at Lehi and there will be SOME runoff before they open them.  Hopefully the "main runoff"...and the extra water they send down for the Junies...will help keep the lake launchable for awhile.  If not, you always got your yak.
Nice report. Good to hear something being caught. I'm living in hope. My sister sent me her well wishes and I said thanks I'm doing great and I'll be ready for the lake in no time. She responded sarcastically with "fishing helps every thing". I replied back " at least you understand life"... Don't know why I thought of you Pat on that one liner but I did. You are always great at them. Well until next report I'll pay here dreaming d I was pulling you on the tube lol
Nice job Pat, get them posted on your contest board and I’ll add them to the south’s come back. Nice fish I’ll bet they were fun. Later Jeff
(03-19-2021, 03:26 PM)Mooseman75 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice report. Good to hear something being caught. I'm living in hope.  My sister sent me her well wishes and I said thanks I'm doing great and I'll be ready for the lake in no time. She responded sarcastically with "fishing helps every thing". I replied back " at least you understand life"... Don't know why I thought of you Pat on that one liner but I did. You are always great at them. Well until next report I'll pay here dreaming d I was pulling you on the tube lol
Hope you make it out the other side of your medical thing.  I have been dealing with some kidney issues since December but things are improving and I am at least able to get in some fishing.

Glad you like my "wit and wisdom".   Your reply reminds me of an old Vince Lombardi (famous football coach...RIP).  He sometimes charged up his players with "Winning isn't's the ONLY thing."  For some of us I think we can apply that kind of logic to fishing.

If you want some more word goodies, here is a copy of "Pat's Parables"  I once put together for some motivational stuff I used to do.

Oh...and about pulling me on the careful.  I just hate it when I take to the air and eat it on the landing.
Part we can always throw you on our tube made for three with two of my kids haha. I'm chuckling just picturing my kids being the helpful sort getting you on and going....ya I'll be part of the power squadron on some days this summer as we got a three man tube for the kids.

As far as your wit and wisdom I'll take that any day. They go along with your generosity and friendship you give to all. I hope the respect and admiration is paid in return in full. You deserve it.

Sorry to hear about the kidney problems. Are you diabetic? I am and that is something i worry about getting is kidney disease. I hope things go good for you if you ever need a prayer I've got 4 boys that love to lend a service as well as a loving wife and me but if you need physical help where my kids could assist let me know.
(03-20-2021, 06:58 AM)Mooseman75 Wrote: [ -> ]Part we can always throw you on our tube made for three with two of my kids haha. I'm chuckling just picturing my kids being the helpful sort getting you on and going....ya I'll be part of the power squadron on some days this summer as we got a three man tube for the kids.

As far as your wit and wisdom I'll take that any day. They go along with your generosity and friendship you give to all. I hope the respect and admiration is paid in return in full. You deserve it.

Sorry to hear about the kidney problems. Are you diabetic? I am and that is something i worry about getting is kidney disease. I hope things go good for you if you ever need a prayer I've got 4 boys that love to lend  a service as well as a loving wife and me but if you need physical help where my kids could assist let me know.
I appreciate your kindly words...and your offers of help if needed.  Always good to know that others care about ya and will have your back.

No diabetes.  Just found some problems with basic kidney functions on my annual old guy's wellness checkup.  Blood work showed some decline...even past what might be expected at my age.  But some lifestyle and dietary changes have resulted in a lot of improvement so I can keep on keepin' on.  All my other vitals are good.

As fun as it might be, I think I'll decline your offer for a towed tube trio thing.  My thrillseeker days are behind me I think.  Anyway, you would probably go too fast for trolling.