Been tying these EP style baitfish patterns, this is my dirty water version for fishing the off colored water in the bay. I’ll be using more white/grey/chartreuse in the intercostal and beach. This style of fly is also good for the wipers in Willard.
Good looking fly! How much do the EP fibers move while fishing them?
Nice fly. I need to tie up a bunch for a trip to east coast of FL in April.
What size hook is that on?
Nice. But it reminds me of a “certain kind of 3 inch fish” that some blame for California’s drought. I’m sure it would work on those Salmon as well.
Looks like an easy but versatile pattern to tie. Good Luck trying it out.
Looks like a great shad pattern as well...would be fun in the Powell boils. Have fun out there!
Tarpon love 'em!
These are actually Congo hair, cheaper than E.P, got it at Fly Tyers dungeon. Moves really well.
This is on a 2/0
[quote richyd4u]Looks like a great shad pattern as well...would be fun in the Powell boils. Have fun out there![/quote]
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[quote remo_5_0][quote richyd4u]Looks like a great shad pattern as well...would be fun in the Powell boils. Have fun out there![/quote]
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Exactly...looks like Striper crack to me!

White on white, Red and white, Green over white, blue over white, yellow and red...
Don't forget the way Enrico uses markers to add stripes and dots to look more real.