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Full Version: 2021 Willard Bay trip # 8
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Weather guessers called for light and variable winds until late afternoon yesterday (Saturday).  That's about what I was getting, but it strengthened up and got rather gusty about 11 a.m.
Launched from south marina, and was on water with lines wet by 0830. 

[Image: 021-10-Apr-21-skunked.jpg] 

Slow trolled from marina outlet west about half way to south-west corner, then drifted back toward the marina with a nice .3 mph breeze in almost a straight line over 10-12 fow.  Powered up to go around the south marina  inlet buoys, moved out over 12-15 fow and drifted to just past the feedlot tower.  Wind picked up, not quite to the point of white caps, but strong enough, added to the almost 3 hours of skunking, and I decided to call it quits.  
Forest, skunks happen this time of year. Spent a couple hours working the feed lot Friday morning. Finally gave up and made a run out to the light pole. Three nice kitties in 30 minutes then a couple more hours of nothing. Sometimes you sit right on them, other times you don't. You don't know if you don't go.
Larry,  that's very true. Just decided not to go this morning....cold and wind
Forrest I'm not one to mess with the wind when it starts picking up. Not sure about Willard but Utah lake gets down right scary especially if it's from the north. So I pick up and go once white caps are near. Though my new boat handles them better I still don't want to push my luck. So a skunk on a windy day shouldn't count in my ever so honest opinion lol
As diligent as you are at hitting it, she will produce for you soon, I am sure.
Have you tried fishing shallow? I have been doing quite well in 6 to 10 feet of water all along the east side.
Greg, haven't worked the east wall much yet. The season is young and I've been kinda grid searching the south wall. Maybe next trip I'll make it over all the way into Freeway Bay. 

Mooseman75:    UL isn't as deep as WB so when the wind picks up and starts to white cap the water, if I'm still on UL, I'm heading as fast as I can for protected water. On WB depending on which way the wind is blowing from I can sometimes get sheltered up close to a wall. But when wind on WB comes up suddenly and is gusting at 15 mph or more, I make a fast retreat for the closest marina.  I've been close to capsized at WB twice, and have seen and heard about too many boats even bigger than mine get swamped at Willard and Bear Lake, so I respect the wind.  I can dress for cold, and I can protect from hot sun, but high winds are a definite no-go for me.  When I'm looking at a trip to WB, if the weather forecast is calling for light and variable winds (0-5 mph) It's a go. From 5-8 mph, it's go but keep a close eye on the wind and waves. Any forecast over the 10 mph mark I usually pass on a trip to WB, and head to the BRBR for some bank tangling. Winds at the river are good, helps keep the biting flies and skeeters down.