Got up a bit late and didn't get to lake till 8:00 on Saturday 7/18/2020. It was my second youngest and my wife today. Going to see if we could have any luck at the island, it's not been friendly to me this year. I've about list hope in it or my abilities. But we got out there and the water was choppy to start with. By the time my about grabbed it blew me 20' closer to the island and I went from 6.5' to 4.5' which is getting shallow for me. But I stayed since my anchor was holding. The first 65.minutes was slow. I said maybe we should go drift since it worked for me and catslayer the day before for 3 cats. But my wife said no. 10 minutes later my baitfeeder went screaming. I played it in as it was a decent fighter and found I had a carp on. I cast back out and about 15 minutes later same rod went bendo. I hand it off too my son because I have another rod peeling line off. Things are picking up its about 9:20 when I get the lines back out. I may add I was on the bottom while my wife and son were under bobber. Well it's was about 15 minutes and another one of my rods goes off. I let Tyler real it in but it gets caught in anchor line. While I'm trying to deal with that other rod goes off another double. So I had my wife reel that one in. She managed to help get fish on stringer. We only fished til 10:00 as my wife had things to do but it ended well. She didn't touch the fish yet but she's getting closer lol. She's a great sport. After I filleted the fish and cut carp into bait she went and bought me smoker.
(07-20-2020, 02:41 AM)Mooseman75 Wrote: [ -> ]Got up a bit late and didn't get to lake till 8:00 on Saturday 7/18/2020. It was my second youngest and my wife today. Going to see if we could have any luck at the island, it's not been friendly to me this year. I've about list hope in it or my abilities. But we got out there and the water was choppy to start with. By the time my about grabbed it blew me 20' closer to the island and I went from 6.5' to 4.5' which is getting shallow for me. But I stayed since my anchor was holding. The first 65.minutes was slow. I said maybe we should go drift since it worked for me and catslayer the day before for 3 cats. But my wife said no. 10 minutes later my baitfeeder went screaming. I played it in as it was a decent fighter and found I had a carp on. I cast back out and about 15 minutes later same rod went bendo. I hand it off too my son because I have another rod peeling line off. Things are picking up its about 9:20 when I get the lines back out. I may add I was on the bottom while my wife and son were under bobber. Well it's was about 15 minutes and another one of my rods goes off. I let Tyler real it in but it gets caught in anchor line. While I'm trying to deal with that other rod goes off another double. So I had my wife reel that one in. She managed to help get fish on stringer. We only fished til 10:00 as my wife had things to do but it ended well. She didn't touch the fish yet but she's getting closer lol. She's a great sport. After I filleted the fish and cut carp into bait she went and bought me smoker.
Good to hear Bird island treated you well this time. How often does your wife go out fishing with you? Sounds like she is quite the trooper, even buying you a smoker, you can't beat that.
She only makes it out 1-2 times a month. She works full times and goes to school full time, for now she graduates after this semester. But she tries to spend time with me as much as possible. And I I smoked 4 catfish in the smoker acme my kid that don't eat fish really ate 3 filets. We are going to smoke 2 pork roast tomorrow morning. So we'll see how it turns out
(07-26-2020, 12:48 AM)Mooseman75 Wrote: [ -> ]She only makes it out 1-2 times a month. She works full times and goes to school full time, for now she graduates after this semester. But she tries to spend time with me as much as possible. And I I smoked 4 catfish in the smoker acme my kid that don't eat fish really ate 3 filets. We are going to smoke 2 pork roast tomorrow morning. So we'll see how it turns out
You are a lucky man to have a wife that fishes with you. What kind of smoker did she get you?
She got me a masterbuilt mes 130. Nothing fancy or expensive but a good little smoker for our needs. They have the traegers and other nice smokers but I like to grill so I bought a nice grill and opted for the cheaper smoker. And yes my wife is breaking out her shell. She hates fish and will not eat it but she is getting close to touching one and is willing too help out as much as she can. She is truly a great catch haha
Way to go, Justin. I didn't know if you got your boat back on the water. I haven't fished at the island yet this year though I've drifted that far out a few times. We'll have to see if we can go out together one of these days. BTW, how's the algae looking?
Craig it's great to hear from you. Ive got the motor running but I've developed a leak *sigh* it's a never ending problem. It's nothing terrible but i have to run the bilge pump 4-5 times in a 2 hour trip. Ive been thinking about you and thinking about going out one of these next few days so funny you should respond. As far as algae it's present. There is a 2' ring around the harbor but it's not thick it's very whispy. Pm what days you have available to go and I'll see what I can come up with. Tuesday and Thursday I know is no good but I'm not sure of other days