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Full Version: Marlin are hitting at the Berry
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Salmon eggs were the ticket.

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Gorgeous Marlin! I've got to knock that species off my bucket list some time. How was the fight bringing him in?
(05-04-2021, 07:35 PM)Ramen4Breakfast Wrote: [ -> ]Gorgeous Marlin! I've got to knock that species off my bucket list some time. How was the fight bringing him in?
That was the last of three .  Felt like my arms were going to fall off   Smile.  Crazy fight. The biggest one saw the boat and then basically flew strait away skipping on the water until we could not see him. Good captain used the boat well. We had to keep the one because it was gill hooked - fed a bunch of people though. Was just me and my wife and the crew and my wife didn't want to get int the chair...  Went one day offshore for marlin and one day in shore hoping to get a roosterfish.  Probably about a month early for the roosterfish.  Was pretty nautical that day but did manage a bunch of spanish mackerel.