This happened to me yesterday! Any advice, comments? Wow, what an experience, what a story, my pup saved my but! Went fishing on the Weber River yesterday with my pup to my club below Echo. Did a lot of walking along the river watching Sparky have fun and chasing any fish I caught and released. About 1/2 mile down the river I notice large tracks walking my direction along the roadbed. Cow, elk, what? Looked more like elk - cool. Ran across a large deposit of pooh and decided it was an elk, cool. In reflection I should have known it wasn't. Left the roadbed and started fishing a hole. Lo and behold at what was walking up river towards me!!! A big moose-cool! Well,------- he kept coming! I didn't like the way he was looking at me! What do I do? Come on, a moose isn't going to bother me!!!! He kept coming! He put his ears back and charged! Decided to take action like if it was a mountain lion and look big, jump up and down and yell!!! My crap, no trees, no nothing!!! Kept on jumping and yelling. The best I can recollect in those few seconds was that he got within 3-5 ft. of me and suddenly turned with my 8 mos old pup in attack mode and in his face. The moose whirled and ran off with Sparky on his heels. Chased him about 300 yds. before I could whistle him back. Hey folks, this is my happy, playful Golden! That sucker was 10 tons if a pound and a bull because I could see the nubs where he lost his antlers. Obviously, I was close enough to see. Ever hear the expression of the hair in the back of your neck standing up? It's true, I remember feeling that watching the moose running away! By the way, to make this a fishimg post, caught aboout 8-10 tout and 6 whites. Do you know what my wife said when I got back? Did you take any pictures? LOL [crazy]Leaky
Go Sparky! Great story. Glad you caught some fish and lived to tell the tell.
No advice just glad you lived to tell the story. BTW -- did you happen to get any pictures while the moose was up close and personal? (LOL)
Got to love a great dog!!!
Congrats on the great dog leaky!

]I might be able to convince my labs to do that if I could only keep them out of the skunks and porcupines! About the only thing my older lab will do with any regularity is find rattlesnakes. She keeps a good distance, but with all her barking I can't help but know that one is hiding somewhere close. GOT TO LOVE THOSE LABS!
[crazy]Damn, Leaky! You should give that dog a steak! What a great dog you got there!
Too cool Leaky. Great story telling also. Sparky deserves an extra ration of kibble LOL.
[cool]Shouldn't have been using that elk hair caddis. Made the moose jealous. Didja think to grab some moose mane. Makes some good tying material.
Had a couple of uncles that had a moose try to climb in their rubber raft while they were floating down a river in Idaho. That kinda stuff will make your laundry bill go up.
Glad you made it off the water to tell the story. It would be interesting to hear Sparky's side of it.
GOOD BOY! Sparky earned his snausages today. Sounds like you have a great fishing buddy.
LEAKY - That is an excellent story! Could I have your permission to use it in an upcoming article for the XPLORE section of the Ogden Standard-Examiner?
Glad you got out in one piece!

]well I am glad you both made it out ok, thats a fine dog you have there. [

I think that you and your new buddy are going to make it just fine.[cool]
I think Sparky proved it was worth the drive you took to get him. Got to love those labs.
Was going to send you a pm or a e-mail but your bio. says I can't send a pm and no e-mail listed so -----------------. Yes, you can use it for the XPLORE if you want. My wife wants me to volunteer a picture, but ----------that's a little much. Anyway, the story is 100% true so no problem. How do you have an in with the Ogden Standard? If you need anything more, let me know, send me a pm or something.
Sorry about that; I made the correction to the bio for PM receipt. Wasn't even aware access was denied.
I don't know about having an "in" at the newspaper, but I do write for them occasionally. I just thought your story and a couple of similar one I know of would make a good column. Thanks for the permission!
[cool] Uinta Ice <'{{{{{><
he he maybe I'm doing something wrong. one day while my lab was still young my wife drove up to meet me at east canyon where I was at with my float tube. upon their arrival she let the dog out of the back of her truck and it seen me about 70' out in the water and started to swim towards me. she tried to call her back but the dog was determined to swim out and greet me,
as she got closer to my tube I got concerned about her claws snagging into my tube but what could I do but sit there.
she tried to climb onto my tube and capsized me in my tube. (if you've ever been upside-down in a float tube its a very scary experience) once you'r upside down you have no leverage to flip yourself back upright.
luckily for me she stayed close to me and I was able to grab her and use her as leverage to flip me top side but I managed to lose a little gear and had a warm mound in my waders.
I didn't know how funny I looked while it was happening but my wife was very informative to me on how my she enjoyed the "show"
Is there any doubt that a dog is man's best friend?????? Great story. I float tube fish a lot and have had several occassions when my goldens were young that this same thing allmost hapened. So far, ---------been lucky.
A lot of folks have posted about rewarding Sparky. A friend gave me an elk steak. I've been saving it. Is this the time to give it up to my best Bud?
Definately praise her. Your story made me remember of a family pet we all had as kids. it was more of a pet to my little sister than me but it was a small poodle.
My parents neighbors went on vacation and asked my little sister to feed their horses and dogs. they have very nice mannored hunting dogs but they do (or did) have a very aggressive malimute they locked her up with plenty of feed and water and told her not to worry about taking care of him because of his disposition.
she was over their feeding one nite and that malimute escaped and had her pinned in the back of one of the haybarns, she was holding onto her poodle and finally the poodle fought free and put itself in harms way in front of the larger dog. My old heeler was also involved in the struggle.
the poodle allowed my sister a small opertunity to escape and run home, she did and got my dad and his shotgun and he returned with the dog catcher and shot and killed the malimute.
but the ending result was the death of her poodle and alot of hyde missing from my old heeler. we thank god that she did have that poodle with her and in our hearts we think that she knew the danger that her master was in so she faced a fatal situation knowing that it was my sisters only chance of escaping.
this was about 7 years ago, my old healer is still around (barely) he is pushing 18yrs old, he's pretty much blind and mostly deaf, he has alot of artheritis in his joints but he still tries to get around as much as he can.
I think that this year will be his last (but we've been saying that for the last five years)
That is a great story leaky i have no doubt that a dog is mans best friend and aer more then willing to put their lives in harms way when the master is harmed. my miny dascuhund has protected me before but it was only from the ever dangerous ocean jr. (bruce).
DZ that is a

story about your sisters poodle. My dad has a very intelegent collie heeler cross and she isnt the least bit scared to take on a bigger animal if she persceves it as a threat to any of us