We got two limits in 4 hours this evening the majority on bottom bouncers and a fire tiger lindy perch worm harnes, got several on a purple deep diving jerk bait with 2.3 mph the sweet spot up near the light pole. Battled the wind for a couple of the hours. We had a few long line realeases and lost a 10” wiper at the boat, biggest walleye was 21” with the rest 16-19”. We are hitting UtaH lake in the morning launching from Lincoln Beach at 6:30am to chase the cats.
Nice haul you two, you can't beat a 4 hour trip like that.
Hey it was nice running into you guys at the south Willard cleaning station today.
That was some good catcing, my first Willard Walleye limit. Great seeing you also Forest.
Randy, I edited your pic so it would fit in your post.
(05-31-2021, 12:35 AM)fast_randy Wrote: [ -> ]That was some good catcing, my first Willard Walleye limit. Great seeing you also Forest.
Nice work. Glad Willard treated you well. But it doesn't sound like Utah Lake was playing nice. Even your cats in the weeds program didn't pay off. Always next time.
No Pat, the cats were not playing much yet. Shawn did get a five pounder in the weeds, but without my teeth I just can't seem to hold my mouth right to get them to bite. I had one on at Bird for a second is all. But I still have faith and the water is up into the weeds now.
(05-31-2021, 09:07 PM)fast_randy Wrote: [ -> ]No Pat, the cats were not playing much yet. Shawn did get a five pounder in the weeds, but without my teeth I just can't seem to hold my mouth right to get them to bite. I had one on at Bird for a second is all. But I still have faith and the water is up into the weeds now.
That won't last long. Irrigation is sucking water out of the lake faster than the poor runoff is coming in.
Good luck with your teeth.