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Full Version: Few bear trail cam pics
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We have a bait site down in SE Utah where a friend is trying to get a bear. Thought I’d share a couple pictures we have gotten. 
Sow with a cub. Kinda cool how momma is standing guard 

[Image: 08-D22-F95-F866-4881-B84-A-2-AD4626-D6-EEA.jpg]

Next old girl is in wonderful shape

[Image: 9-E766-A9-A-C19-D-4211-AB38-7-C3297-EC3-BF0.jpg]

And the last one is inspecting my camera 

[Image: F83-FCEF4-2980-4880-B9-EC-5-C3608-ED294-F.jpg]
Bears are a lot of fun. Sure have different attitudes and keep things interesting
Great shots. Seen any big boars yet?
Not yet. Hope one shows up soon. Last year I had 3 different boars show up on the bait. Passed
On them all including one dandy. Hope he comes
Back this year for my buddy.
Cool pics, thanks for sharing them with us.
gotta love trail cams. great photos. looking forward to you sharing some pics of your trophy soon!
Well One good black color phase bear showed up ?

[Image: 70-AFC5-E2-0-B77-4309-AF88-7-CC9580-DCD94.jpg]
And a blond started coming In as well

[Image: D8-F3-A6-FA-3-C68-41-E9-86-AF-EF44-E87-CE2-F2.jpg]

And this morning the good blond bear is headed home with a tag on him. My buddy worked his tail
Off and I’m sure proud of him. 

[Image: 2-DDE75-E7-70-C2-4974-A5-DC-581-A28-AD7-CD2.jpg]
Congrats to your friend, that is a good looking bear, I think a lot of hunters try for bears like that for year and never get one.
That's a good looking bear.

That's a great looking bear! Congrats!