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Had a good friend in town from salt lake this last Friday, he had a quick family trip but had a day to fish with us. Went out on my buddies boat, we all had some really good fish on only to come unbuttoned. Still got on some small reds, snook and trout though. One thing we saw is that the tarpon are in!!! We will be out targeting them this week.
Sounds like a great trip Mike, even if you guys lost some of the bigger fish, great pics too. I'm guessing this is a dumb question but do sea trout taste anything like freshwater trout?
(06-14-2021, 04:10 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like a great trip Mike, even if you guys lost some of the bigger fish, great pics too. I'm guessing this is a dumb question but do sea trout taste anything like freshwater trout?

I think a little, just not as fishy tasting.
Spent some time in Louisiana and fished for the Speckled Sea Trout a lot (Calcasieu).  Still, I am Utah born, Intermountain raised, so I know my trout species.

I suspect they are called "trout" because they resemble a washed out sea run Brown Trout so much, and their size is more like a trout, until you look into their mouth.  Some awesome vampire teeth, a yellow Tongue, and a fun fish to catch.

I will defer to my wife on this one, and she insist that they do not taste anything like a trout, or any Salmonid.,  They taste more like fresh water white fleshed warm water species, but, at least in my opinion, a lot better.
I had a feeling that was the case but since I have never tried one I was curious.
(06-14-2021, 07:35 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]I had a feeling that was the case but since I have never tried one I was curious.

I wish I could say let's go fishing for them, but, that is one long boat pull from Utah, I know, did it once each way.  Ugggggg, better find a guide, cheaper.   Idea
Snook and Redfish, now those are delicious!!!