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Full Version: UL 2021 Trip # 3 Lincoln Beach
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Trying to poach a 30.0 plus inch Cat out of BLK's favorite pond.  He must have seen me and turned off the switch. 
Did boat 5 Cats and 1 Bullhead.  May be last trip I make to LB. Channel depth is dropping fast. Was 2.5-2.8 at the dock, 2.4-3.0 out the channel, only 4.5 -5.5 at the buoy line and deepest spot I covered out off t he Springs and the L was 8.5 fow. 

[Image: 029-16-Jun-2021-Lincoln-Beach.jpg]     [Image: 030-0825-a-m.jpg]
 Launching                     lines out facing north-east while drifting south-ish

[Image: 031-Cat-1-CPR.jpg]    [Image: 032-Cat-2-CPR.jpg]     [Image: 033-Cat-3-CPR.jpg]    [Image: 034-Cat-4-CPR.jpg]

Less than an hour from lines wet to someone turned  off the catching switch. Cats from 25 - 28 inch. 

[Image: 035.jpg]        [Image: 036.jpg]

 Basic area I was in all day 

[Image: 040.jpg]   [b]BLK must have forgot to turn off the Bullhead switch. Got 1 of those just to keep me interested. [/b]

[b]Was getting quite warm, nice steady breeze just about died, boated one last Kitty as a departing gift. But still not the 30+ incher I'm looking for. [/b]

[Image: 042.jpg]

My pull out timing was just about perfect. As I was putting trailer in to take boat out, 3 or 4 power squadron rigs showed up. 

Sure hope they don't draft more than 2.5 fow in some of those spots in the marina. 

OK, Lynn, UL is all yours. Doubt I'll make it down again unless we get a good gully washer rain storm.  Usually on these trips I spend the night at a hotel in Springville and hit UL again early the next morning................................. but .....................


Going to have to measure the water line on my ride to see how deep is sits.  LOL  May need to put the mud wheels on it soon.   Dodgy
Musta missed ya Forest. You probably saw my grungy old truck in the parking lot. I headed for the Knolls today and found lotsa fish but nothing tape worthy. Good calm water most  of the day. I fish from 5:00 until 10:00 almost every day -- can't take the heat after 10:00. I picked up three wb at the channel mouth to go with a half dozen I had that were frozen. I conducted a scientific study to determine if fresh or frozen wb was preferred by the kitties. Results: do discernable difference. Huh  

Agree, the launch water is dropping fast. I may have to switch over to my kayak when it gets too low. Very few "Randy spots" where you can fish in or close to the reeds and frags. I caught most of my fish today in 5-6 fow. I'm still looking for that first 30 incher too. Maybe tomorrow.