A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
Way too young to pass on.
There better be a lake and a duck marsh wherever I end up...hard to beat a good fishin' buddy...one of mine has been in a care center now for a year....all I can do for him now is read a story from my fishing journal every once in awhile...lots with his name in there...Hope Tim has a place to wet a line now and then...
(06-18-2021, 11:26 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ]A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
That is

to hear Pete, he lived near me and just a few years ago I went over to his house and he showed me the lures he used to catch crappie trolling for them at PV. He will be missed for sure, Tim was great guy. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Send me a PM, if you would rather not share it on the open forum.
Sure sorry. Will send a prayer for comfort to his friends and family. Much to young.
Sorry to hear that Pete, my condolences to the family.
Life is always too short. Sorry to hear of his passing.
(06-19-2021, 12:25 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-18-2021, 11:26 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ]A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
That is
to hear Pete, he lived near me and just a few years ago I went over to his house and he showed me the lures he used to catch crappie trolling for them at PV. He will be missed for sure, Tim was great guy. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Send me a PM, if you would rather not share it on the open forum.
Tim had liver problems but kept it pretty much to himself and I think it was a big surprise to all of us when He passed on. My youngest son worked with him at Parker Hannifin and called me on the lake when he passed on, made for a rough trip the rest of that morning. Tim and I started fishing together back in 1995 when I worked at Parker before leaving and hiring on at Hill.
(06-19-2021, 08:46 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2021, 12:25 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-18-2021, 11:26 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ]A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
That is
to hear Pete, he lived near me and just a few years ago I went over to his house and he showed me the lures he used to catch crappie trolling for them at PV. He will be missed for sure, Tim was great guy. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Send me a PM, if you would rather not share it on the open forum.
Tim had liver problems but kept it pretty much to himself and I think it was a big surprise to all of us when He passed on. My youngest son worked with him at Parker Hannifin and called me on the lake when he passed on, made for a rough trip the rest of that morning. Tim and I started fishing together back in 1995 when I worked at Parker before leaving and hiring on at Hill.
Thanks for passing that info on Pete, I would have never have guess that was the cause of his death, I was thinking a car accident or something along these lines. He seemed healthy the last I saw him, I guess we never know.
I'm sorry to hear of his passing but you never know. Last year this time I fished with a fellow BFTer who passed a while back. I would never have guessed he was battling cancer. Since my recent health problems I have been thinking more than ever of the philosophy embodied in two common expressions: carpe diem and YOLO. Gotta get back on the lake this week and take the kids with me.
(06-19-2021, 10:36 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2021, 08:46 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ] (06-19-2021, 12:25 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-18-2021, 11:26 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ]A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
That is
to hear Pete, he lived near me and just a few years ago I went over to his house and he showed me the lures he used to catch crappie trolling for them at PV. He will be missed for sure, Tim was great guy. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Send me a PM, if you would rather not share it on the open forum.
Tim had liver problems but kept it pretty much to himself and I think it was a big surprise to all of us when He passed on. My youngest son worked with him at Parker Hannifin and called me on the lake when he passed on, made for a rough trip the rest of that morning. Tim and I started fishing together back in 1995 when I worked at Parker before leaving and hiring on at Hill.
Thanks for passing that info on Pete, I would have never have guess that was the cause of his death, I was thinking a car accident or something along these lines. He seemed healthy the last I saw him, I guess we never know.
I dont know if he knew it the last time we went ice fishing in Idaho the 7th of Feb. or not, he never mentioned a word about it, he seemed to be in good health I know he helped me pull my sled up the steep bank to the parking lot at Glendale which was covered with snow and slick ice actually doing most of the work.
I guess none of us want to go through a long drawn out battle that ends with a live ending event, so hopefully he did not know what was happening until the end. I know that is not how it always works but that is how I would rather go, when the time comes. Glad you and Tim were able to get out and do some fishing that one last time.
(06-18-2021, 11:26 PM)PACKFAN Wrote: [ -> ]A good friend of mine and fishing buddy for the past 25 years passed on several weeks ago he was also a member of BFT and went by Fish Nutt I believe it was. His name was Tim Ward and was in his early 60s, Tim and I spent Super Bowl Day this year fishing Glendale Res. in Idaho and had a cold morning fishing with the wind blowing hard from the West. Some of you may have had a chance to talk to Tim he was a quiet gentleman and very friendly. He's going to be missed by his fishing buddies, God Bless you Tim.
Sorry to hear, God Bless.
Thanks for the update, I would not have known what happened to Tim... Sad to lose him so soon... Hope he's on a secluded pond on the other side catching the ones that got away... Later J

news when one of the good ones pass. Sorry for your lose Pete.
Our condolences to you and his family.
Sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a friend of so many years especially a fishing buddy. You get to know each other and fish well together. Although my fishing buddy has not passed away. But because of health issues he does not fish anymore. Consequently I don't fish as much as I used to.