I can see we now have about 7 members online. We also have 47 guests reading our reports. I would like to encourage you guest viewers to join up. Be a helpful and contributing fisher..
We need your contributions.
I agree, we are a sociable group here and we benefit by sharing information......l Please join us.
I think most guest viewers are members who are not logged in, like me.
(06-20-2021, 07:06 PM)thatchergreg Wrote: [ -> ]I think most guest viewers are members who are not logged in, like me.
Kind of interesting viewpoint. I have pretty much figured that most all guests were not members.
I guess this comes from the year or so before I registered or signed up or what ever it is called. Prior to that I was a lurker and just used the site for my own gain (kind of selfish I know). Finally decided I might have some thing to share so I signed up.
Was a good choice for me. Have had tons more help than any I have offered.
(06-20-2021, 04:39 PM)doitall5000 Wrote: [ -> ]I can see we now have about 7 members online. We also have 47 guests reading our reports. I would like to encourage you guest viewers to join up. Be a helpful and contributing fisher..
We need your contributions.
I finally figured out how to get back on line. Haven’t posted for a couple years because my password stopped working and I couldn’t figure out how to make it work. May be others like me who were viewing as guests but have been a member for years. Just thought I’d mention.
Good points. I know that a lot of members never post anything or join in the conversations. I encourage all of you to speak up.