I fished the Weber just north on Wanship on Tuesday. There seemed to be quite a few people out. Spring fever is apparently kicking in. I caught about a dozen in 2 hours. Mostly whitefish, but they were all big and fat, between 15 and 18 inches. I don't like to eat them, but they are fun to catch. I also caught two decent browns. Used hares ears, red fox squirrel nymphs, and midge pupae. A good day in the sun.
I also have another comment abou this board. I used to visit a board that was dedicated to flyfishing. I stopped visiting that board because there were too many arrogant people who thought flyfishing was the only way to fish. Its nice to have a board where there are so many diverse people and ways of fishing and everyone respects each other. Kudos.
Good to have you on the site Baetisman, thanks for the report. I think I know what flyfishing site you are talking about, I ask a question on that board years ago and could not believe the negetive responce I got just because it was not about flyfishing. There is nothing like BFT Utah, I know a lot of us were sure glad when we found it. WH2
I know what you mean brother! Before I moved to the Wasatch Front, I used to think that tossin' flies for trout in a river was the only way to go. I still spend the majority of my fishing time on moving waters, but thanks to the help of the great folks here I have expanded my horizons. Last year I got to experience my first Wiper, Walley, and Tiger Muskie. Not to dis on that other board, but most of them would call me a traitor or something similar for not catching them on a fly. Now if I could accomplish that feat, it would be something! However, after making about 20 trips to pineview and well over 1,000 casts, I am not in any hurry to cast flies after muskie
] Anyway, I hope you feel welcome and know that there are plenty of other "fly flickers" here at BFT. The only difference is that we're a little more diverse in how and where we fish.
If you see a guy followed by two black labs and driving a gold Dodge truck, that is probably me. Feel free to come over and say hi. I plan on hitting the weber pretty hard before the runnoff starts to get bad.
Welcome! I also used to be primarily a fly-flinger and now I'll try to catch 'em anyway I can. This board has been so great in helping me learn about multiple species, not just trout.
Catch a few for me up there in the north.
Add me to the list of reformed fly fisherman. I love fly fishing but there are so many other fun and productive ways to fish that it's silly to turn up your nose at everything else. There are times when flies are the most productive and and times when they're not. I've also found that contrary to popular belief in the fly fishing world, putting bait on your hook doesn't mean any fish you catch will automatically die, releasing every fish isn't a good idea and some fish are just plain good to keep and eat.
I agree with everything all of you have said. I just want to know if HFT sells the hand grenades that you use in lieu of flies and do you need a license for them like you do for a 5 mile range radio[

Beatisman, that group you saw on the river was our fly fishing class. We had about 50 people on the water that day,fishing was awsome that day, we will be back there on saturday, so if you want to stay away from the crowd just head down river a mile or so, we generally do not go farther than that.
DKS you don't need a license for that you just don't get caught[angelic]
Welcome aboard . I use to fly fish some . I haven't been for a while now but been pursuing other species with jigs . Red fox squirrel nymph is one of my favorites .