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Full Version: Rockport 7/12
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Went to Rockport yesterday. There is still cement ramp left but if you have a large boat I wouldn't try launching. Smaller boats are iffy.

I fished from 6:30 to 10:30. Water temp was 70 degree and 71 when I left. The water was not very clear. I'd say about 4 foot visibility. I only managed one small basss and one ice fishing pole and reel. I had a lot of very small bites I'm thinking they were perch but could never hook them. They are masters of taking the worm off of a jig and disappearing. I even tried using a double hook set up and that didn't matter.

Anyway if who ever lost their ice fishing rig can I identify how the reel was hooked up to the pole your welcome to come and get it back. Hard to tell how long it's been in the water it was covered in mud.

Because of my wifes health issues this was my first trip of the year. I felt good to get out.
too bad the water is so low.
I was at Rockport on the 13rd. The ramp is iffy, no doubt. Your boat trailer will be backing into mud, deep mud and your truck will be as well. I suggest keeping the front tires dry and 4x4.
The water had cleared considerably because visibility was at least 4' all around the lake. The SMALL mouthed pass were willing to play, but I did not come for 8" fish.
I did get to give my new to me boat a test run and all was well. The motor I had tuned ran great. Being able to just barely not hold the coveted 1.9 mph for long before wanting just a bit more throttle, about 2.1 worth. Further adjustment got that settled.
I am still learning my depth sounders, Garmin strikers. I like them. I saw some things that Confused me and I will post pictures of that on another thread.
There was one other fisher on the lake and not one pleasure craft up until I was leaving at 11am.