60 degrees outside air temp @ 8 90degrees when i pulled out at 5 according to the 4 runner
One of these years im gonna invest in lectronics
and a motor
ramp extends past those large rocks with not to much silt
i seem to remember enough rock/solid ground to be able to launch at bunny gulch juniper or knights at this level
i dont ever go to the main cg/launch way too crowded and confined and i dont like the vibe there.
Starvation is odd in that it usually windy in the morn but a 9ish to noonish window of less wind or calm
i trolled/rowed the full sink out and around the indian no longer an island to git outta the wind
and threw for slimers around it for a while
Had a grab or 2 but didnt hook it up
Started catching smallies off the rocks heading into the 1st bay.
Ussually carp in there but only saw 1 and it saw me 1st and bolted
picked up a couple decent smallies in the channel coming out
and around the island
let the god out n swim and walked the shore lookin for poopers on the flats
made it into the next bay and found the carp and a lot more algae
had a few shots at singles till i found a pod of a couple dozen
had some decent shots but a lot of refusals.
shouda beached the boat
cept dink smallies
there were another couple of dozen stacked up in that back bay
theyre funny fish theyll often git pretty close to the boat fearless
yet a fly landing 50' away will spook em
and it seems like once you git the pods spidey senses tinglin they may not bolt but they probably arent gonna eat
Starvation doesnt have large numbers from my limited experience's but the size is large
i like to think i do it enough to be a pretty good judge of size and the majority of em are +30"
spent the next couple hours rowing back and forth gittin a few shot at each bay trying a few different patterns that have worked before
Im hesitant to throw 2x to big fish but 1x flouro wasnt cuttin it.
good to be humbled and at least find em
came outta the bay and trolled the sink tip back as the afternoon winds cranked up and picked up a few more smallies in a thankfully where i need to go bordering on white caps wind
i wanted to check the river as the 300 cfs theyre letting out is a good fishing flow but it seems i spent 8 hours rowin around and it was 5 already when i got off and i needed to stop in pinebrook and load some of my pops furniture in the boat yet
Nice day nice to spend it with only fishing craft for the most part
oh and i forget
a sip was poured and heartfelt thoughts prayers to the friends and fam of
Marine Staff Sargent Taylor Hoover and the rest that gave all