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Full Version: Willard South - 9\8
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I had a doctor appointment this morning and didn't launch the SS Rocky until a little after 11.  First kittie just as I came out of the marina. Went straight out looking for 10 FOW.  Never found it, so I headed north to the feedlot.  13 kitties caught this afternoon.  8 FOW seemed to be the sweet spot.  Drug a chunk of chub on one rod and a piece of chicken on the other.  Both hung from a Santee rig.  Tried to maintain a consistent .5 MPH.  Seemed to work out ok. No cars in the parking lot this morning and a couple trucks with boat trailers this afternoon when I returned about 4PM. Turned out to be a pretty good day.
(09-08-2021, 11:14 PM)FatBiker Wrote: [ -> ]I had a doctor appointment this morning and didn't launch the SS Rocky until a little after 11.  First kittie just as I came out of the marina. Went straight out looking for 10 FOW.  Never found it, so I headed north to the feedlot.  13 kitties caught this afternoon.  8 FOW seemed to be the sweet spot.  Drug a chunk of chub on one rod and a piece of chicken on the other.  Both hung from a Santee rig.  Tried to maintain a consistent .5 MPH.  Seemed to work out ok. No cars in the parking lot this morning and a couple trucks with boat trailers this afternoon when I returned about 4PM. Turned out to be a pretty good day.

Sounds like we got off the water too soon. I'll post my report later but me and the Slayer fished from the North marina this morning. Great report Larry, how big was your biggest kitty?
Never measured any of them. I'd guess a half dozen were at least 20 inches or pretty close. My last few trips to the north marina have been pretty much hit or miss.