On a search for new catfish spots I tried somewhere I have never fished. It is off the beaten path, but open public water. I thought it might hold some small bait sized carp. So I put a small piece of crawler on a #6 baithook on a rod with 8 lb test. Cast into a nice looking spot and got chomped by this huge mirror that weighed over 18 lbs. I didn't have much time to fish, but if the spot holds carp this big, it might hold some big cats as well. I will be returning in the future to give it a try.
![[Image: 20210923-143157-1-1.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/H7xZN7d/20210923-143157-1-1.jpg)
Thats a tank. Its been tough up North for cats with the BRBR water levels. I hope a few late season cats show
Nice carp Paul. That definitely is worth some bragging rights. Did it put up much of a fight like the common carp do? Hope the spot works out for you!
Thanks Justin. Yes they fight hard, take lots of drag, and test your equipment for sure. This one was right around 33" long and just a tank of a fish. They fight as hard as big cats do, but make longer runs. I haven't been back to the spot yet, but planning on it today.
That would make a great entry in the kitty contest. If you can just find a good makeup kit and some stick-on whiskers you could maybe fake it?
Back in the late 70's I caught a big mirror carp in Willard that weighed over 20#. Caught it on a 6 weight flyrod and a small chartreuse fly I was fishing for crappies off the rocks at the harbor entrance. As soon as he felt the hook he headed out toward the channel marker buoys and I had to put the rod back over my shoulder and kick up a rooster tail to follow it. We played in and out around the buoys for over a half hour before I convinced him to crawl into my undersized net. Took it into shore where there was a group watching and cheering. One old gent had a set of spring scales that went to 50#. After weighing it he asked if he could have it. Since I usually don't do C&R on carpkind I was happy to donate my trophy. Can't remember ever catching any fish that fought longer and harder than that old big-scaled mirror carp.
I wish it would have been a whisker fish, it would have been a great entry in the cat contest. I could have tried to get my wife to give it a makeover, but I will quote what she said when I sent her the picture. "Holy crap, what is that? You didn't keep it did you?" "No," I responded. "I let it go." She responded, "Good, it's really ugly." I laughed. She wouldn't have touched that thing for any price. Even though the buglemouths aren't pretty, they are very powerful.
Carp have always been the "Rodney Dangerfields" of the fish kingdom. They get no respect. Yeah, they're kinda ugly...but so are catfish and a few other species. But since they have proven to slurp flies and other artificials they have developed quite a growing fan club...especially among the fly flinger set.
My first fish over 5# was a carp. And I paraded it around the camping area in which I was staying to show it off. I ignored the snickers and guffaws from the carp-disdainers. I was proud of that thang.
Over the years I have introduced carp to a lot of anglers...younger or older...to help them learn how to handle large fish on light tackle. And a whole lot of the new carpers developed a lifelong respect for them.
I'll tell ya, I would rather do battle with a carp than a cutthroat trout of equal size. But then, I got no pride.
Big fish Paul. You know Carp are a tournament fish in England and maybe Europe. My oldest grandson got a pretty good size Carp in a tournament he was fishing several years ago. Don't know how much it weighed, or where it placed in the tournament.
Not sure where it was caught, but he lives in England.
Hope this photo goes thru OK. Still not seeing them on my PC.
![[Image: 012-James-with-Carp.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/k3vW0yL/012-James-with-Carp.jpg)
Nice Forest. They do chase them all over Europe. While I was in Spain, they fished for them there too. I know they pursue and eat them in other countries as well. I haven't tried them myself. I've never had the desire.