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Full Version: Willard North 10\5
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Got out to the north marina by 8 and the kayak was in the water and fishing by 8:30.  Nothing for the first hour, but finally got a catfish in 4 FOW off Eagle Beach.  No Skunk today.  Fished from 4 to 10 FOW.  Lots of bait balls but it was 10:30 before I found another dumb one.  Spent a while making big lazy circles off the marina entrance.  Last catfish was caught inside the marina working the channel back to the ramp.  Water temp was 58 when I arrived and 61 at 11:30.  Ramp depth is still pretty good.  3 feet off water off the end of the ramp and the channel through the marina was a consistent 6 FOW.  Much better than the south marina. All three fish caught dragging a Santee rig tipped with chicken. Second rod was tipped with sucker pieces. Only one pop and drop on that side.
Next time you wander through the North Maria Channel maybe it will be Cookie and I chilln there. We are due to go soon, but the present weather has me otherwise occupied
Hey Larry guess you answered my question from the other post in this one... thanks for the depth info... Later Jeff