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Full Version: Need info on old fly rod brand...
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Ok guys. unfortunately, one of my neighbors passed away this last week and I was gifted 5 or so of his old fly rods! I want to do a video about them where I fish with them and kind of review them and fish with them. However, many of these fly rods are a brand I don't know much about and cant find much info on. The brand is "Kunnan" I wish I had a picture at the moment but I don't... Ill see if I can put one in later today..
I have looked all over the internet for information and have not found much about them. All I know is that the company was founded in the early 70's. And in the early 90's, one of their factories burnt down and somewhere in that mess they stopped producing fly rods and switched to golf clubs. But the info is kinda spotty and I don't know how accurate it is. So, I was wondering if any of you might have any knowledge of the brand. Specifically their fly rods.

Thanks guys!
Their fly rods, no, but I have a long filipin rod by that brand that i got in Colorado Springs in the 80s. Good rod.
What material are the rods made of ?? Fiberglass, Graphite, Bamboo?? You might check with the guys at Fish Tec to see if they know anything about em.
I had some Kunnan spinning rods back in the 80's. They were good rods.
That's all I know about them.