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Full Version: 21-22 Ice Challenge SkunkedAgain
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All right got my first ice of the year last night on my pond so it must be getting close printed my new label and I’m getting excited for the ice season. Good luck everyone and be safe. See ya on the ice. Later Jeff
How big do they grow in your pond?
Hey! That's great. I'm excited.
Kent the pond is for irrigation but it did have some dead carp when it dried up this summer. J
Ron, I built a new bump board is this okay for scoring my ice fish?  Note when I take a picture of the whole board the lines shift one way on one side and the other way on the other side of center. So I took some other straight on photos to show the lines line up with the scales. Hope it’s okay. Jeff

[Image: BB73-DD03-41-E3-416-D-8-D5-D-85835633-BB5-F.jpg]

[Image: 951-E5-B6-B-FA72-4-FC7-8841-CBAF8-E3-A9-D47.jpg]

[Image: 2231004-C-880-A-458-E-9-E53-57-AA26-D7-E5-D7.jpg]
Looks great, Jeff. That'll make it easier for both of us.
Thanks Ron
Hey I got a LMB to start my list today. Not very big but I know sometimes I have a tough time finding one so here goes.
Newton dam
LMB. 10.5”

[Image: 343-B5833-C353-46-F9-A175-DA9-C4314-BA2-D.jpg]

[Image: 343-B5833-C353-46-F9-A175-DA9-C4314-BA2-D.jpg]
I totally understand. I hit up Newton last year for my Largemouth.

Largemouth bass - 10.5
(12-23-2021, 05:22 PM)hookngrinin Wrote: [ -> ]I totally understand. I hit up Newton last year for my Largemouth.

Largemouth bass - 10.5

Green sunfish 4.0”

[Image: 7-BF1023-F-5539-4-E48-92-F2-2-C980-F88-A48-E.jpg]
Bluegill 6.5”

[Image: 37-D65-CEF-7-A5-A-4-A85-B661-48-C82-E3-A94-D5.jpg]
Green sunfish - 4
Bluegill sunfish - 6.5
LMB. 12.5”
Perch. 9.0”
Bluegill 7.5”

[Image: 7-CAC5-DE6-8-BB8-40-F0-816-B-B472274-AE22-E.jpg]

[Image: 111198-F9-736-E-4-F75-A8-D9-93-DCF00-BD578.jpg]

[Image: 42-F3-C2-FE-F1-D3-46-E1-8-B6-D-184-A4498-F929.jpg]
Good upgrade and a perch!

Largemouth bass - 12.5
Yellow perch - 9.0
Bluegill sunfish - 7.5
LMB. 13.0”

[Image: 75-DE8-A18-2-B53-440-F-97-AC-3-FBC17-D49481.jpg]
Little bump!

Largemouth bass - 13
Perch. 9.5”

[Image: 525-EB728-E2-FE-47-CC-8822-4-C0-DDFD7264-D.jpg]
Yellow perch - 9.5
Crappie  11.0”

[Image: A4-B46-FE0-A25-D-4-C55-A602-AA99019990-E2.jpg]
Good panfish collection going there, Jeff! 

Black crappie - 11
Thanks Ron,
Guess I need to go find a trout... Heading up north tomorrow, guess I can't enter them, but will be fun to get a few on the line anyway... Thanks for all your efforts on the contest... Jeff
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