Hi everyone,
I have a small problem regarding ice fishing. Here are the details:
I went out ice fishing last Friday at dog creek reservoir. The ice was around 8 inches thick. All the time I was ice fishing, I was hearing scary noises from the ice. There were two noises I heard. First was a VERY odd sound that I can’t possibly describe. Almost as if the ice was singing. Second, I occasionally heard and felt something like a crack near my feet and in the area I was ice fishing. Sometimes I would look down and see tiny cracks in the snow on the ice.
I am going to be upfront, I am scared to go ice fishing again because of these sounds. I am afraid that the ice will crack on me and I will fall through. Another fisherman pointed out to me that these sounds are the ice expanding, not it falling apart.
My problem is I am scared to go ice fishing because of these sounds, but I still would like to get more ice fishing in until it is not safe to do so.
Here’s my question. Do these sounds indicate that the ice is unsafe, or is this normal? Can someone help me alleviate my fear?
I’ll try to get a video of the sounds for you all tomorrow..
(02-01-2022, 01:38 AM)Jnicholes Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everyone,
I have a small problem regarding ice fishing. Here are the details:
I went out ice fishing last Friday at dog creek reservoir. The ice was around 8 inches thick. All the time I was ice fishing, I was hearing scary noises from the ice. There were two noises I heard. First was a VERY odd sound that I can’t possibly describe. Almost as if the ice was singing. Second, I occasionally heard and felt something like a crack near my feet and in the area I was ice fishing. Sometimes I would look down and see tiny cracks in the snow on the ice.
I am going to be upfront, I am scared to go ice fishing again because of these sounds. I am afraid that the ice will crack on me and I will fall through. Another fisherman pointed out to me that these sounds are the ice expanding, not it falling apart.
My problem is I am scared to go ice fishing because of these sounds, but I still would like to get more ice fishing in until it is not safe to do so.
Here’s my question. Do these sounds indicate that the ice is unsafe, or is this normal? Can someone help me alleviate my fear?
I’ll try to get a video of the sounds for you all tomorrow..
It's perfectly normal Jared, I know it's scary but you will be fine. Was the ice clear, if so that is good.
It's normal, I've seen cracks shoot through a lake from a long ways off that you actually can see, have had them go right through where we were fishing, just ice expanding. When you drill a hole if you see clear ice it's good ice, some might be mottled or cloudy for a inch or so it's good ice, just due to freeze thaw of snow on the ice that it looks like that, if you drill a hole and it's mottled and or cloudy throughout the ice is more than likely bad, warm temps in the day, but freezing temps at night will keep the safe, warm temps day and night will soften it. One thing I do is carry ice picks around my neck, they'll get you out if you should happen to go in, any new water or questionable ice I wear them, even if others are out on it, small safety net, but best bet is if your unsure of the ice is stay off it. Can fish on 2" if your careful. Another safety net is wear a life jacket if your unsure. Lots of good info on the net about what good ice looks like, if it's clear and you can see the cracks it'll give you a good indication of how thick it is. After time on safe ice you'll get used to the noise and when it sounds like a cannon going off and a wave that moves everything up about 2' won't bother you much. Stay safe.
I would say it was mostly clear. I’ll get a picture tomorrow.
Thanks for the reassurance and advice, by the way. I appreciate it.
Loud cracking noisy ice is usually good Ice that is expanding because of freezing. This kind of Ice develops pressure ridges that you should use caution around. Quiet ice is the kind that requires real caution because it is thawing out and getting soft.
Morning everyone!
Had to cancel the fishing trip today, I hurt my leg last night. Household injury. It’s not serious, but it’s enough to make me not able to walk on ice. I don’t want to risk making it worse.
Again, I thank you all for the advice and the help.
OK, after taking some medicine, my legs feeling a lot better. I decided to go ice fishing. Here are the pictures.
Here is the hole in the ice I drilled. Mostly clear. 9 inches thick.
Sounds came back, but it didn’t bother me as much now that I know what they are.
Also landed a 21 inch trout.
I’d like to thank you all for the advice you all gave me. I also want to thank you all for helping me alleviate my fear.
It is something we all went through when we first started ice fishing and it can still be unnerving when the ice cracks right below you but once the ice gets over 4" I have never had a problem. Glad you were able to get out there and catch a nice trout today.
Yep, pretty typical, looks like a little snow melt on top, but the rest is great ice. It's a bit unnerving to walk out on crystal clear ice when you can see the bottom or ice making noise when your on 2". Nice trout.
Hey I ice fish a lot and I'm still not used to the noise even though I know I'm safe, it still makes me jump when a good ripper goes right underneath me... I can't help it, I still have a little chicken in me for falling through the ice... even though I should be worried after the ice quits singing, not while it is... Guess it's good to be safe, but like mentioned anything over 4" you should be safe to fish without fear of breaking through... When you get to 8" you're really golden unless you try to take a truck out with you... Have fun and good luck... Later Jeff