Catching was great at the Narrows last night and this morning. Things started about 6:00 p.m. and were hot until 7:30 a.m. Hard hits rather than the light, undetectable bites. Edges were soft for the first 2'. Top ice is degrading. Great time catching for a change! It has been an extremely slow catching ice season for me this year.
Disappointed at how much trash people have left out on the ice. Interesting how we can haul out a full can of X, but can't seem to carry back an empty can! And we wonder why public places are locked up! Sad that a few spoil it for the majority. I was very impressed with a couple fishermen from Wyoming who went around and picked up the garbage on the ice and the trail up to the vehicles. Way to go guys, we can learn from your examples!
(03-04-2022, 08:08 PM)icerman Wrote: [ -> ]Catching was great at the Narrows last night and this morning. Things started about 6:00 p.m. and were hot until 7:30 a.m. Hard hits rather than the light, undetectable bites. Edges were soft for the first 2'. Top ice is degrading. Great time catching for a change! It has been an extremely slow catching ice season for me this year.
Disappointed at how much trash people have left out on the ice. Interesting how we can haul out a full can of X, but can't seem to carry back an empty can! And we wonder why public places are locked up! Sad that a few spoil it for the majority. I was very impressed with a couple fishermen from Wyoming who went around and picked up the garbage on the ice and the trail up to the vehicles. Way to go guys, we can learn from your examples!
Glad to hear PV is still producing. Yea, that is

people have so little regard for the place where they fish

Are the crappie still around 10" or smaller?
Yes, most were 10". They still made some delicious fish tacos! Most catching was from 10' down to 20', though there were fish throughout most of the column. Seemed that they were more aggressive with the bite if they came up to it. Jigging and then holding still seemed to get their attention.
(03-06-2022, 03:52 AM)icerman Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, most were 10". They still made some delicious fish tacos! Most catching was from 10' down to 20', though there were fish throughout most of the column. Seemed that they were more aggressive with the bite if they came up to it. Jigging and then holding still seemed to get their attention.
Thanks for the added info, glad we are getting this colder temps this week or that two ft gap at the shore whould have been 4 ft before long.
Glad to hear the crappie are still on. Hoping to get out there at least once more before season end.
Since you fished the morning, did you get any perch?
No perch. I have not been successful for perch this year. Even areas where I usually catch perch, I have only caught 5 this whole season. I prefer the perch to crappie. If you have had success with perch, I would appreciate some clues!
I caught them in there last year about this time, but haven't fished for them yet at PV. Haven't heard any good reports either, so the low water much have changed things up.
I honestly haven't heard a good perch report at PV all year. I had hopes this year, because size-wise, they were averaging 8-9" last year. Thought this would be the year for some bigger ones.