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Started working on my garden this week, see hoop greenhouse thread. Here are some pics of what I did today. Tomorrow I'll fill the dirt back in the boxes and start building a third box.

unloading truck

[Image: 1-Garden-2022.jpg]

bed full of manure before adding dirt

[Image: 2garden-2022.jpg]

bed before adding manure

[Image: 3garden-2022.jpg]
Took a few more pics, with the garden boxes ready to plant, plus the new box I built, still need to add in the drip system on it.

[Image: garden-box1.jpg]

[Image: garden-box2.jpg]

[Image: garden-box-3.jpg]
Got everything planted this past week, hopefully with the warmer weather this week I'll start seeing eveything growing. Planted Kale, broccoli, carrots, plus yellow squash in box # 1.
Box#2 I planted snow peas, green beans and zucchini.
Box #3 has cukes, watermelon and cantaloupe.
I'm also in the process of building another strawberry box.
I'll post pics as things start growing.
Plants are starting to grow and doing well. All of the plants in my new hoop GH #3 have almost doubled in size in the last week.

[Image: Grow-box-3.jpg]

Hoop GH #2 were planted from seed and are coming up and doing well too.

[Image: Grow-box-2.jpg]

Grow box #1 is doing OK, not as good as the other two that have the green house cover. i planted almost half with plants the other half were planted seed. The Hoop GH is for sure making a difference on Box #2 and 3, compared to this box #1, which has no GH.

[Image: Grow-box.jpg]
Looking good. My plants are doing OK (Except for the ones that have been eaten, I think by ants.) under Walls of Water.
(05-23-2022, 06:10 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: [ -> ]Looking good.  My plants are doing OK (Except for the ones that have been eaten, I think by ants.) under Walls of Water.

Thanks Kent, as you know, it's a process this time of the year, until things really take off. Sorry to hear about that ant problem you are having. Before I started these grow boxes or raised beds, I would occasionally have that issue but since I went to the raised beds it has not been a problem.
A little over a week ago, I took those last pics, it's amazing how much they have grown since then, at least in the hoop green houses, the ones that are outside, not so much.

[Image: cantaloupe-watermelon-cucumber.jpg]
These were all bought plants. R/H side, cantaloupe, center, watermelon, L/H side, cucumber.

[color=#1d2228][size=small][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[Image: boughtzucchini.jpg]

I bought the one zucchini plant in the foreground, the rest were all planted from seed.

[color=#1d2228][size=small][font="Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[Image: grownfromseed.jpg]

Plants of left were bought plants, the ones on the right were planted from seed.
I'm sure everyone can see the huge difference the the plant, grown outside of a GH and those grown inside the Hoop GH's.
Garden is growing good, picked some broccili this week, got some cucumbers starting to come on, every thing else has blossoms but that is it. Here are the pics:

Baby cuc
[Image: cucumbers-2022.jpg]

Cuck on left, watermelon in the middle, cantalope on right
[Image: cucks-water-and-can-melons-2022.jpg]

Hard to see but green beans and snow peas on the left
[Image: Green-beans-and-snow-peas-2022.jpg]
[Image: kale-2022.jpg]
Yellow squash

[Image: Yellow-squash-2022.jpg]

[Image: Zucchini-2022.jpg]

[Image: brochili-2022.jpg]

[Image: carrots-2022.jpg]
Broccoli, first of the year

[Image: broccoli-first-of-the-year-2022.jpg]
Your hoop greenhouse has certainly given your garden a jump start. Looking good.
(06-26-2022, 08:08 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: [ -> ]Your hoop greenhouse has certainly given your garden a jump start. Looking good.

Thanks Kent, it does seem to help, it is really amazing how much it has grown in the last two weeks, since I took the cover off and the sun has been out, more and more. As little as my green beans and snow peas are, it might have been better if I had planted them two weeks earlier than the zucchini.
First yellow squash ands zucchini of 2022;

[Image: firstsquash-of-2022.jpg]

I have a few cukes that are about ready to pick in a couple of days, will post those then.
(07-06-2022, 12:27 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]First yellow squash ands zucchini of 2022;

[Image: firstsquash-of-2022.jpg]

I have a few cukes that are about ready to pick in a couple of days, will post those then.

Nice, my zucchini plants are only about a foot tall.
(07-06-2022, 01:23 PM)kentofnsl Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-06-2022, 12:27 AM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]First yellow squash ands zucchini of 2022;
I have a few cukes that are about ready to pick in a couple of days, will post those then.

Nice, my zucchini plants are only about a foot tall.

I just measured my tallest zucchini plant, the biggest one is 40" tall. I did not think i'd have anything to pick but I checked anyway, guess I missed a few the last timed I picked or I didn't look close enough, here is what I got today.

[Image: second-picking-of-2022.jpg]
In recent weeks, my garden production really went down hill, I wasn't sure what was going on but my guess was a lack of water. I decided to add 5 additional minutes onto the water timer and sure enough that fixed the problem. I usually pick my garden every other day but I missed one day and here is the result:
top row: yellow squash
middle row: zucchini
bottom row: cucumbers and a little kale

[Image: latest-garden-stuff.jpg]
I haven't posted any pics of my garden lately, so here goes.

[Image: watermelon.jpg]

Watermelon haven't done well this year, this is my largest

[Image: peach-tree.jpg]

Peach tree, hope the peaches get bigger

[Image: cucumber-watermelon-cantalope.jpg]

cucumber, watermelon, cantaloupe

[Image: green-beans-zucchini.jpg]

green beans and zucchini

[Image: green-seedless-grapes.jpg]

Green seedless grapes

[Image: yellow-squash.jpg]

Yellow squash

[Image: strawberry-planter.jpg]

Strawberry planter
Looks like it’s producing well, your spring work is paying off. We had tomatoes setting when I left, should have some before the fall frost hits lol
(08-08-2022, 01:02 AM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like it’s producing well, your spring work is paying off. We had tomatoes setting when I left, should have some before the fall frost hits lol

It is doing good, we can hardly keep up with it right now, we have been freeze drying our excess but will need to start blanching our excess pretty soon, when the peaches start getting ripe. We finally started getting a few green beans last week, so we should get more this week.
The green beans came on strong after my last post, we got all the way up to 222 green beans in one picking, we pick them every other day, so three picking in a week, before the numbers started dropping off. Here is my last picking of yellow squash, zucchini, also got a cuke and a cantaloupe.

[Image: todays-garden-picking.jpg]

Only got one small watermelon before the vines died. Peaches are coming on strong now, almost finished processing 400 hundred peaches, most were freeze dried but have froze 20 qt bags as well. My second tree is just about ripe, so will start taking some on us by later this week. Got the word last week that they are shutting off our secondary was on the 26th of this month, so that is about a month longer than last year.
(09-11-2022, 11:15 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]The green beans came on strong after my last post, we got all the way up to 222 green beans in one picking, we pick them every other day, so three picking in a week, before the numbers started dropping off. Here is my last picking of yellow squash, zucchini, also got a cuke and a cantaloupe.

[Image: todays-garden-picking.jpg]

Only got one small watermelon before the vines died. Peaches are coming on strong now, almost finished processing 400 hundred peaches, most were freeze dried but have froze 20 qt bags as well. My second tree is just about ripe, so will start taking some on us by later this week. Got the word last week that they are shutting off our secondary was on the 26th of this month, so that is about a month longer than last year.
38 degrees here once again. Starting tomorrow night we should be back to at least upper 40s - fingers crossed. Saw some shady areas that had a light frost on the grass below but looks like our garden escaped getting any.  That was close. We are trying to give our tomatoes a hint via a little pruning to ripen up faster. No more jars and no more freezer space. With just us two, it's hard to just keep eating all we can pick each day.
(09-12-2022, 04:41 PM)jjannie Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-11-2022, 11:15 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]The green beans came on strong after my last post, we got all the way up to 222 green beans in one picking, we pick them every other day, so three picking in a week, before the numbers started dropping off. Here is my last picking of yellow squash, zucchini, also got a cuke and a cantaloupe.

Only got one small watermelon before the vines died. Peaches are coming on strong now, almost finished processing 400 hundred peaches, most were freeze dried but have froze 20 qt bags as well. My second tree is just about ripe, so will start taking some on us by later this week. Got the word last week that they are shutting off our secondary was on the 26th of this month, so that is about a month longer than last year.
38 degrees here once again. Starting tomorrow night we should be back to at least upper 40s - fingers crossed. Saw some shady areas that had a light frost on the grass below but looks like our garden escaped getting any.  That was close. We are trying to give our tomatoes a hint via a little pruning to ripen up faster. No more jars and no more freezer space. With just us two, it's hard to just keep eating all we can pick each day.

Wow, that is cold for Sept, it got down to 54 here overnight and that was plenty cold. 
You should consider buying another or a bigger freezer. What we try and do is have enough in our freezer so we don't buy them at all until next years garden starts to produce. In all our years of blanching vegetables, mainly yellow squash and zucchini, this last year was the first year we saved more than we used, so that was our reasoning on why we should start freeze drying our squash, that way it doesn't go bad sitting in the freezer. So far we have never had a problem with blanching squash and keeping it in the freezer up to one year,, this will be our first year of eating squash that is over a year old, hopefully it doesn't get freezer burned.

Do you guys ever have an issue with cross pollination where your squash have a different color, like this pic below, where you can see the color difference in the yellow squash on the right compared to the ones on the left?

[Image: strange-squash.jpg]
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