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anyone here familiar with Diamond Lake? it is near trial lake off of the Mirror Lake Highway. I am going to be camping at Trial Lake soon and wanted to check it out. I have found only a minimal amount of info on it. the DWR only shows infrequent stocking but I think it gets a bit less pressure than the more popular lakes nearby. it is one of the few lakes in that general area I have not fished before. any info someone is willing to give out would be helpful.  thank you.
My info is pretty dated. I went in as a teenager. I remember catching some brookies. But that was so many years ago that my info isn't worth much. I seem to remember a couple of my friends telling me it winter kills off and on. Would love to hear more if you go.
thank you. I will update when I do. It would not surprise me if it did winter kill as some of the shallower lakes in the area do.