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Full Version: Berry 7/24
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Got there at 6:30am. Trolled mostly the west side. Lots of mid to high teen cutts. Quit counting after 25. Lost one Koke halfway back to the boat. It was doing more aerials than an Olympic gymnast. Wasn't surprised it came unglued. Did land one very nice koke shortly thereafter.
[Image: Koke23.jpg]

Taped at 23 1/2. Weight was 4.5 lbs. That's my son doing the long arm. That was the final Koke of the day. I am not finding numbers but can't complain about quality. Last 5 trips I have boated a 20+ Koke.

Trolling glow dodgers with pink squids and some of my own lure designs. The big Koke came on a lure I tied. Flashy pink and silver skirt material and a marabou core. Silver blade.
Nicely done...tks for your report...How was the boat traffic out there today?..Water skiers out and about?
Very few boats were out. Cloudy and occasional rain showers probably were the reason. Only one boat pulling a tube and that was in the afternoon. Also saw a few sailboats.
A couple weeks ago at the Gorge we couldn't find a spot that wasn't hit by the 'Churn the Water' crowd, at least by about 1000...skiers, wake boarders, tubers, jet boats, even a new one...some guy on a stand up motorized (surf board, wake board?)...zooming all over the place, looking like the bad guy on one of the Spiderman movies...I'm sure all these are fun (wish I could have done some when I was a kid), but they sure can foul up your fishing day when boating...I have a young friend that operates one of these, exclusively for speed and towing...I asked where his fishing gear was, where the rod holders were...said he's never had a hook on the boat...said he's often wondered what the fishermen/women thought as he went zooming I told him...