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Full Version: Utah Lake Newsletter for September
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Some interesting info about the improvement projects at Saratoga Springs and Sandy well as info on the waterfowl season.
Thank you Pat, Its always good to know when folks will commence to shootin in perhaps my direction.
(09-22-2022, 02:19 PM)Fishhound Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you Pat,  Its always good to know when folks will commence to shootin in perhaps my direction.
I've never had as much concern for waterfowl hunters as with shorebound target shooters.  I've had several occasions when nut jobs on shore were shooting at targets out in the water...without looking to see if there were anglers afloat.  Definitely gets your attention when bullets are whining around you while you are trying to get in a quiet morning of fishing. 

Here's my potential solution.  Mount a 50 cal on your craft and return fire.  A couple of bursts back in the direction of the errant shots should let the target shooters know you are in the area.  Also makes a good carp eradication method...and a deterrent to the power squadron.
[Image: SELF-DEFENSE.jpg]
Yeah I had to call the County Sheriff one day when fishing around the Bubble up. tow clowns were shooting over the lake with Deer rifles. We could see the splashes about half way across the lake, but some were skipping off the water and headed off further. I fired up the boat and we headed over to Lindon Harbor until the police arrived. Was not a fun experience !!

On the plans they put forth in the newsletter, are they going to develop the marina at the end of 2300 West, Lehi?? I have been trying to gain access to that for a couple of years because launching further south in a wind is NOT fun. There is a park there now, just down the jogging path, but the sign on the gate says it is US Gvt. Property ! That one picture of the "North Marina" looks quite a bit like the configuration of the harbor there. That would be a great addition !! I was also unaware that there was a ramp at the RC park. may have to get a flat bottom tin boat !!
(09-22-2022, 06:30 PM)Therapist Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah I had to call the County Sheriff one day when fishing around the Bubble up.  tow clowns were shooting over the lake with Deer rifles.  We could see the splashes about half way across the lake,  but some were skipping off the water and headed off further.  I fired up the boat and we headed over to Lindon Harbor until the police arrived.  Was not a fun experience !!

On the plans they put forth in the newsletter,  are they going to develop the marina at the end of 2300 West, Lehi??  I have been trying to gain access to that for a couple of years because launching further south in a wind is NOT fun.  There is a park there now, just down the jogging path, but the sign on the gate says it is US Gvt. Property !  That one picture of the "North Marina" looks quite a bit like the configuration of the harbor there.  That would be a great addition !!  I was also unaware that there was a ramp at the RC park.  may have to get a flat bottom tin boat !!

First things first.  Gotta have some more water before any of those venues will be useable.  Here's a recent pic MrShane shared with me of the small private harbor at El Nautica.  I suggested it might be a good place for some "dry fly" fishing.
[Image: ELNAUTICA.jpg]