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Full Version: Echo State Park
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Park model homes have been placed down in the campground, as construction continues. This is copied from FaceBook but there is no mention of the ramp being opened. 

[Image: echo-state-park.jpg]
(11-03-2022, 09:28 PM)lovetofish Wrote: [ -> ]Park model homes have been placed down in the campground, as construction continues. This is copied from FaceBook but there is no mention of the ramp being opened. 

Looks pretty nice. Here is a link to the FB page, there are some comments about when the ramp will open, just click where it says view more comment.
For those of us who refuse to use FacePlant, would someone be kind enough to provide a summary?
(11-05-2022, 11:38 AM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: [ -> ]For those of us who refuse to use FacePlant, would someone be kind enough to provide a summary?

This is what the state park said: Looks like mid to late Nov[font="Segoe UI Historic", "Segoe UI", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]ks like mid to late November[/font]
(11-05-2022, 11:38 AM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: [ -> ]For those of us who refuse to use FacePlant, would someone be kind enough to provide a summary?

While I do look at fakebook, I'm not a big fan either.  You aren't missing anything by not viewing the link.  There's a lot of p!$$ing & moaning in the comments and nothing official about when the construction will end, and the gate opened to the public at the boat launch area.  It appears, from looking at the State Parks website, that Echo State Park now has its own, full time manager - Benjamin Meraz  (435-336-4906).  If one REALLY wants/needs to know, they should probably call Mr Meraz and discuss it with him.
How kind of you, as always, my friend.