A sunny 13-deg when I arrived at 8:30 this morn. About 15 guys already on the docks to the North. Water about 6' there; only 2' at the end of the S-side docks. Only one horseshoe/slip producing fish --- perch & whities. Harbor completely capped, but ice just about an inch. At least it was nice to get out and dunk some bait. Hoping Rockport solidifies this coming week.
(12-18-2022, 08:52 PM)perchinski Wrote: [ -> ]A sunny 13-deg when I arrived at 8:30 this morn. About 15 guys already on the docks to the North. Water about 6' there; only 2' at the end of the S-side docks. Only one horseshoe/slip producing fish --- perch & whities. Harbor completely capped, but ice just about an inch. At least it was nice to get out and dunk some bait. Hoping Rockport solidifies this coming week.
In the afternoon I saw numerous people walking out on the ice. I saw 1 guy on the ice between the 2 sailboat dock smacking the ice with the spud bar. I stood on the ice at the dock and it held up 180 lbs of me, but still kind of scary.
If you can pour some water on the ice it will allow your transducer to work threw the ice to look for fish.