01-12-2023, 03:05 AM
01-12-2023, 03:05 AM
01-12-2023, 01:56 PM
Hey Shawn, thanks for joining, this will shake the dust off a slow year and will be fun to watch the dynamics trickle through the results... For sure making things more interesting already... Guess I better go find me a bass, don't think my monster will stand as first place there very long with you in the contest... Are you still looking at a gorge trip sometime? Sounds like the 21st weekend is no contests down there, but I'm not sure if i can go then or maybe in February... You looking at camping or a day trip? Congrats on some nice first fish... Later J
01-12-2023, 11:51 PM
Yep been kind of low on entries so far. Maybe we should start trash talking to get the excitement going? Yes for sure want to make a Gorge trip. Would likely do a multi day trip to help justify the expense of getting there. Logistics are getting in the way so far though. Doesn't look like it will happen in Jan for me. I'll touch base with you if I see an open calender
01-13-2023, 01:44 AM
Sounds good Shawn, I'd probably like to try Thursday early to Saturday noon pull out... Don't dare leave the animals any longer and have my Sunday responsibilities I need to be here for... That gives me one full day and two part days to fish... Seems like the first day takes a long time to get there and set up and find the spot you want to be, so it's not too productive. Then hopefully you find a spot with some fish for the next day and finish up with one last morning bite before you have to clean up and head for home... I really like to fish burbot at night they keep things interesting most of the night... Then if we can find some Macs for the day bite, it makes a good trip... Later Jeff
01-13-2023, 06:11 PM
Wow! Jeff sure has a lot of confidence in you... LOL Good start! Your placard is fine. It includes all the necessary info. It's good to see you posting up some fish. Let me know if you want to hit Starvy. Ice conditions are great right now...
Cutthroat trout - 20
Green sunfish - 6.5
Cutthroat trout - 20
Green sunfish - 6.5
01-14-2023, 12:06 AM
Yup I do his first entry is the biggest GSF and 3rd place trout, and he hasn’t went to a good pond yet. Not to put pressure on you Shawn I’ve just seen what you can do. It’s fun to fish with him because you get to see there really is fish in those ponds. Although it can be frustrating when he does so well and I can’t catch a minnow. But that isn’t unusual for me. But I still have fun.
01-15-2023, 11:11 PM
Ah you're probably safe Jeff. Chasing species this go round. Got several i still need to check off the list. I might accidentally get a better fish like that cutt i caught while playing with the panfish, but doubtful I'll get lucky enough to win with incidental catches.
01-30-2023, 05:10 AM
01-30-2023, 09:20 PM
Was that the only koke you caught that day Shawn?
01-31-2023, 01:21 AM
Caught 4, the one pictured unfortunately was the largest
01-31-2023, 02:35 AM
Very nice collection...
Kokanee salmon - 13.5
Splake - 6
Grayling - 11.5
Kokanee salmon - 13.5
Splake - 6
Grayling - 11.5
01-31-2023, 03:20 AM
(01-31-2023, 01:21 AM)EyLayo Wrote: [ -> ]Caught 4, the one pictured unfortunately was the largest
Nice, how long was the smallest koke.
01-31-2023, 03:27 AM
I didn't measure, somewhere around 11
02-06-2023, 03:46 AM
02-07-2023, 03:27 AM
Very nice. Cool looking frosty Ice on Big Blue...
Whitefish - 15
Lake trout - 18.5
Whitefish - 15
Lake trout - 18.5