Anyone ice fish Electric Lake?
I've fished their in the summer and had a great time catching a few Kokanee and Tiger Trout, but never tried the winter.
Anyone have any info?
Thanks a lot, Rob
All you learned Gentlemen and no one has ice fished Electric lake...shocking!
Seriously, no experience?
Does anyone know if Highway 31 from Fairview is usually plowed and open during the winter?
As always, thank you for the information,
I haven't done it for a long time... access is the biggest issue, its a pretty good walk no matter where you access the lake. If you have a snow machine it would help a lot. I always did well down by the dam. Standard tactics, jig and chub meat or red side shiners. I have fished off the dam and in the finger next to the road. The highway is kept clear, even after bad storms. Its been a few years though, Good luck!
I drove past it a couple weeks ago access is the biggest issue like tx_transplant mentioned. There was so much sow when driving by the lake you couldn't even see it let alone try to hike down through the deep snow to get too it, good luck though nothing is impossible. We have had great success over years with less snow.
Thanks guys.
Yeah, I was a little worried about the amount of snow this year. A buddy of mine said he hit it last Feb next to the dam by parking in the pullout area just up from the dam. A lot less snow then.
Sounds like even if I could do that, the deep snow would make it a bear to get down the slope to the lake this year.
Thanks again, Rob
Another thing to consider is the reservoir level is only at 35% full.
It is a ways down to the ice.
I did not realize that - Thanks
Another trip that will have to wait until I build my personal helicopter...

Haven't fished it this winter. Other years we catch fish in winter in the same areas we catch them in the summer. Watch for the spot of open water where the bubble up is.