I was supposed to get in the boat with the "Deadly Duo" on Friday. But one of them had a hitch in their schedule and it looked like they couldn't make it. They eventually got on the water and had their own fine day. But I launched my tube solo at the south marina about 7ish.
Man...Friday really is the new Saturday. You'd a thunk it was a weekend with all the boats launching...all morning long. There was a lineup of power squadron types at The toll booth as I was leaving just after 1 pm...just in time. Had lots of company on the lake. Air temp at launch was a cool 52...warming to about 70 by midday. Water temp started out at 65 in the marina and 67 in the main lake...only rising a couple of degrees by noon. Should warm up quite a bit more over the weekend. Amazing how full the lake is right now. Water level is clear up into the parking lot...and the boaters are having to wade to get onto the docks. But I always have to get wet to fish. So be it.
Since most of the best walleye catches have been on cranks lately, that's how I started. I washed a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and actions on my way down to the area I usually fish. Nary a sniff from anything fishy. And didn't see much on TV either. Spent almost 3 hours working different areas and different depths...using both cranks and bottom bouncer rigs...in different colors at different speeds. Only caught a couple of dink wallies...footlongs that were released for bad behavior. Also lost another one or two and a humongo perch.
A bit before 10 am I had worked my way back to the area straight out from the marina. Water temp was a bit lower...probably because of the inflow from the inlet. And the fish I was seeing on sonar were all orienting closer to the bottom. So I went back to making a bottom presentation...using fire tiger whirly fligs with a crawler harness. Within a very short time of pitching out the first of two rods I went bendo on my first decent walleye.
Then I had a half hour of fairly fast action...putting four walleye in my basket. Two took the original fire tiger whirly flig with crawler harness. Another took a chartreuse whirly with 3 red spots...which also took the only perch I landed. Three of the 6 walleye I eventually caught took a new model whirly flig which has a small buzzbait blade instead of the small airplane spinner blade.
Between walleyes #5 and 6 I had a hard hit and hooked up something a lot more substantial than the walleye I had been catching. I was hoping wiper but had to settle for a chunky catfish instead. Okay.. My next door neighbor had ordered one from the TD fish market.
I had arbitrarily set my quitting time at noon...to take care of a little medical thing I gotta do around midday. Just as I was getting ready to bring in the lines and rocket back to the ramp one of my rods went bendo with my sixth and final walleye for my limit. I have managed to get a few walleye from Willard each year but this was my first limit in about 3 years. Yee hawwww.
Great report and pics Pat, you did good yesterday. Once I found out about the change in plans, I thought about trying to call you but remembered you have told me in the past that you don't have your phone on while you are fishing. As we left the channel I looked for you but I guess you were out there a ways by then. Pretty amazing how fast you can pick up a limit of eyes when you get in the right spot. With all those boats blasting off, did you have to dodge them as they were leaving the channel? When we got there that upper parking lot was full and boats were still pouring in and as I got on the boat dock I had to walk through knee deep water, just to get to the dock. From past experience, when the lake was full, I'd say it is near full pool now.
(06-17-2023, 05:16 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]Great report and pics Pat, you did good yesterday. Once I found out about the change in plans, I thought about trying to call you but remembered you have told me in the past that you don't have your phone on while you are fishing. As we left the channel I looked for you but I guess you were out there a ways by then. Pretty amazing how fast you can pick up a limit of eyes when you get in the right spot. With all those boats blasting off, did you have to dodge them as they were leaving the channel? When we got there that upper parking lot was full and boats were still pouring in and as I got on the boat dock I had to walk through knee deep water, just to get to the dock. From past experience, when the lake was full, I'd say it is near full pool now.
Sorry our planned get together didn't work out. But it looks like we both got into some fish.
Yeah, the boating contingent was out in force. I had to hug the edge of the channel going out to keep from getting run over by boats...some not even observing the wakeless restriction. Some people's kids. And it was ridiculous coming back in. I had to wait for boats to leave a spot open to get back on the ramp. And then I had a guy in a boat back down on me when I was getting out. He yelled at me that the ramp was for boats only. I "politely" reminded him that I paid the same fees he did. Ever hear of "boat rage"?
The water level right now is the highest I have ever seen it. They raised the dikes a couple of feet in anticipation of being able to hold more water. But since they have not taken any other measures around the lake to accommodate higher levels I doubt we will see it get any higher this year. The good news is that all the surplus water is going into Salt Lake. Can't wait to get out fishing for some of those brine shrimp.
Man...Friday really is the new Saturday. You'd a thunk it was a weekend with all the boats launching...all morning long. There was a lineup of power squadron types at The toll booth as I was leaving just after 1 pm...just in time. Had lots of company on the lake.
Ain't that the truth, and as Hyrum is same way. At Hyrum the launch often gets full force of waves from those wake boats as the 'no wake' bouys are not really very far out and there is no buffer like at the Willard marinas. It does make it a somewhat difficult (at least for me) keeping straight on when loading my 17" PolarKraft, not to mention that even if you have things straight the waves will lift you right off the bunks and kewampus again. Hell, I just waded in yesterday and got her straight; I'm too old to be embarrassed.
(06-17-2023, 06:02 PM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ]The water level right now is the highest I have ever seen it. They raised the dikes a couple of feet in anticipation of being able to hold more water. But since they have not taken any other measures around the lake to accommodate higher levels I doubt we will see it get any higher this year.
The last time the lake was this full, it was a year or two after they raised the dike. That year those first parking spots ,nearest to the water, was covered with water. It did not last long because the water level started dropping right after that but Ira and I went out toward the West dike and found a spot where it was 30 ft deep.
Man...Friday really is the new Saturday. You'd a thunk it was a weekend with all the boats launching...all morning long. There was a lineup of power squadron types at The toll booth as I was leaving just after 1 pm...just in time. Had lots of company on the lake.
Ain't that the truth, and as Hyrum is same way. At Hyrum the launch often gets full force of waves from those wake boats as the 'no wake' bouys are not really very far out and there is no buffer like at the Willard marinas. It does make it a somewhat difficult (at least for me) keeping straight on when loading my 17" PolarKraft, not to mention that even if you have things straight the waves will lift you right off the bunks and kewampus again. Hell, I just waded in yesterday and got her straight; I'm too old to be embarrassed.
I forgot to ask - is there a second lane at Willard where you can enter if have an annual pass? There is not at Hyrum, and if there is a line you will just have to wait for all those paying. How about other state parks? Seems to me if you purchase an annual pass you should be able to enter with not waiting for all those day use purchasers, and just display your tag. Can'y be that bigh a deal to walk the parking lot for displayed passes which I'm sure they do anyway.
(06-17-2023, 09:15 PM)smokepoles Wrote: [ -> ]I forgot to ask - is there a second lane at Willard where you can enter if have an annual pass? There is not at Hyrum, and if there is a line you will just have to wait for all those paying. How about other state parks? Seems to me if you purchase an annual pass you should be able to enter with not waiting for all those day use purchasers, and just display your tag. Can'y be that bigh a deal to walk the parking lot for displayed passes which I'm sure they do anyway.
Are you referring to the entrance booth? None of the state parks I visit has an "express lane" for season pass holders. Everybody has to go through the same lane. Only way to beat that is to go early...before the crowd hits and the gate attendant gets busy with time wasting dorks who wanna talk all day and hold up the line.
At one time there was conversation about having such a lane, with a reader for the bar codes on our new cards. And that would enable season card holders to blast on through...and hopefully even after hours. Ridiculous that we can't get in to fish our state parks at night without paying a camping fee...even with a season pass. But then, any system devised by our snivel servants is bound to have some flaws. (unpaid antipolitical announcement)
(06-17-2023, 10:58 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Pat
Thanks. I know you also like walleye spinners in Fire Tiger. I gotta get you a sample of that new model whirly flig using the small buzz blade. That blade whirls like crazy at even the lowest speeds. And it really sends out the vibrations. The hits I got on it were hard...with the fish gulping down the whole crawler rig...not just the tail hook. Also, making them up with a slight "drop back" from the lure body seems to work better than having the top hook attached directly to the lure. Even though I kept changing around with different colors and setups I got three of my six keeper walleyes on the buzz model.
(06-18-2023, 11:40 AM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ] (06-17-2023, 10:58 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Pat
Thanks. I know you also like walleye spinners in Fire Tiger. I gotta get you a sample of that new model whirly flig using the small buzz blade. That blade whirls like crazy at even the lowest speeds. And it really sends out the vibrations. The hits I got on it were hard...with the fish gulping down the whole crawler rig...not just the tail hook. Also, making them up with a slight "drop back" from the lure body seems to work better than having the top hook attached directly to the lure. Even though I kept changing around with different colors and setups I got three of my six keeper walleyes on the buzz model.
Would love to give them a try, with the off color water I’m sure the extra vibration helps get them to come investigate
(06-18-2023, 01:08 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ] (06-18-2023, 11:40 AM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ] (06-17-2023, 10:58 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Pat
Thanks. I know you also like walleye spinners in Fire Tiger. I gotta get you a sample of that new model whirly flig using the small buzz blade. That blade whirls like crazy at even the lowest speeds. And it really sends out the vibrations. The hits I got on it were hard...with the fish gulping down the whole crawler rig...not just the tail hook. Also, making them up with a slight "drop back" from the lure body seems to work better than having the top hook attached directly to the lure. Even though I kept changing around with different colors and setups I got three of my six keeper walleyes on the buzz model.
Would love to give them a try, with the off color water I’m sure the extra vibration helps get them to come investigate
Interestingly enough, the fire tiger color works for me all year...in all water conditions...especially for perch and walleye. But have caught plenty of wipers and cats on it too...even in summer...but especially again in the fall.
So far I don't have a lot made up. Still in the "bait-A" test program...not in major production mode yet. But I will happily squeeze out a sample for ya. Also making up some new chatterbait designs. I have caught fish on chatterbait lures in Willard in the past so I am confident the "chatter crawler" rig will get some love too. I tried it only briefly on this trip but that was during the low slow period early when I was getting no action on anything. However, I did love the super vibration that came up the line even at fairly slow speeds.
Nice job Pat, sounded like a great trip... Hey I really like my buzz flig that you let me test, it has proven successful on several trips out for me and that takes some do'en for me to catch multiples on a rig.... When they get into larger scale production I'd like to get some other colors... I currently have the pink tiger...
Guess I should have hit Willard on Friday, it had rained so my farming was on hold so I hit Cutler and ended up finding some spawning kitties and a carp... Ended up with 6 fish in a couple hour trip, so it was fun to get out again... Made it home in time to break my swather down for the weekend, so I should have just stayed fishing... Later J
(06-20-2023, 04:14 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ]Nice job Pat, sounded like a great trip... Hey I really like my buzz flig that you let me test, it has proven successful on several trips out for me and that takes some do'en for me to catch multiples on a rig.... When they get into larger scale production I'd like to get some other colors... I currently have the pink tiger...
Guess I should have hit Willard on Friday, it had rained so my farming was on hold so I hit Cutler and ended up finding some spawning kitties and a carp... Ended up with 6 fish in a couple hour trip, so it was fun to get out again... Made it home in time to break my swather down for the weekend, so I should have just stayed fishing... Later J
Happy to hear the pink tiger buzz flig is working for you. Right now, some of the "hot" colors...like fire tiger and chartreuse'' are working best in Willard. Might work in your home waters too if you were able to try them. Making up more in different colors now too...including "wall-lime", white, blue-silver, etc. Once I get a few ahead we can work out a download.
This next week I am also going to be doing some more testing on my newest lure innovation...the chatter blade crawler rig...previously pictured in another reply on this thread.
Good to see that limit of eyes. I am behind on my vids but the bride said she was watching later this afternoon
(06-20-2023, 05:08 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Good to see that limit of eyes. I am behind on my vids but the bride said she was watching later this afternoon
Thanks. Enjoyed your latest vid on catching those dinky trout. But trout don't live in ugly places. Right?
Should be some close inshore action on kitties at Willard soon. I wouldn't know because my tube always wants to head offshore for the toothy critters as long as they are on the chew. But it won't be long until warm water, shad schools and other facturs slow down the walleye bite and I can get back to cat rasslin'.
(06-20-2023, 06:11 PM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ] (06-20-2023, 05:08 PM)Cowboypirate Wrote: [ -> ]Good to see that limit of eyes. I am behind on my vids but the bride said she was watching later this afternoon
Thanks. Enjoyed your latest vid on catching those dinky trout. But trout don't live in ugly places. Right?
Should be some close inshore action on kitties at Willard soon. I wouldn't know because my tube always wants to head offshore for the toothy critters as long as they are on the chew. But it won't be long until warm water, shad schools and other facturs slow down the walleye bite and I can get back to cat rasslin'.
I am looking forward to some cat kibble on my plate soon. I heard a rumor that some perch had been located off shore at RP but I need to go to lost creek on a chub hunt first.
Oh your carp netting spot, near me, has a bunch of spawners in it. You ought to be able to add a few to the bait box when they get through playing kissing tag.
(06-18-2023, 11:40 AM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ] (06-17-2023, 10:58 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Pat
Thanks. I know you also like walleye spinners in Fire Tiger. I gotta get you a sample of that new model whirly flig using the small buzz blade. That blade whirls like crazy at even the lowest speeds. And it really sends out the vibrations. The hits I got on it were hard...with the fish gulping down the whole crawler rig...not just the tail hook. Also, making them up with a slight "drop back" from the lure body seems to work better than having the top hook attached directly to the lure. Even though I kept changing around with different colors and setups I got three of my six keeper walleyes on the buzz model.
How and where can I get a hold of a few of these? Or do I have to make them myself?
(06-23-2023, 02:11 PM)Fishybear2 Wrote: [ -> ] (06-18-2023, 11:40 AM)TubeDude Wrote: [ -> ] (06-17-2023, 10:58 PM)2knots Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome job Pat
Thanks. I know you also like walleye spinners in Fire Tiger. I gotta get you a sample of that new model whirly flig using the small buzz blade. That blade whirls like crazy at even the lowest speeds. And it really sends out the vibrations. The hits I got on it were hard...with the fish gulping down the whole crawler rig...not just the tail hook. Also, making them up with a slight "drop back" from the lure body seems to work better than having the top hook attached directly to the lure. Even though I kept changing around with different colors and setups I got three of my six keeper walleyes on the buzz model.
How and where can I get a hold of a few of these? Or do I have to make them myself?
I don't have a big commercial operation, but I have been known to sell a few to fishing buddies. Better yet, I like to show others how to make their own stuff and would be glad to do so if you wanna visit my tackletorium. These lures are still in the "bait-a" test stage and I don't have a lot made up. But I'm sure I can squeeze out a couple for you to try...at a reasonable price. Shoot me a PM if you are interested and I will provide my address and directions.