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Full Version: Fall Challenge and Cat Contest 2023 Standings
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Here's the cat contest update for 8-15. I must not have pushed the post button when 
I wrote this the first time, or it was kicked back for too long? Catchinon, JOATMON and Pisco all posted bump fish and all moved up. Keep after em!

[Image: update-2023-08-15.jpg]

Here is the Catfish update for 8 23 23. John (Ahi) posted two great cats at 31 inches each and has moved into the lead by 1/2". Congratulations John! This is the time for big cats so things can change quickly. Lets post a bunch this week!

[Image: 8-23-23-Update.jpg]
Hey everyone sorry for the missed weekly update, but here is how things look today Jon is still in the lead with Brett moving into second behind him, sorry missed the update that had Jim there in second place... Anyway still lots of fish coming in and starting to build the placing ranks in almost all of the species, even though the catfish is still the most active category.. Hopefully I can get out someday and see if I can still catch a fish, I'd love to join in the fun... Good luck everyone, I think the best fishing of the season will soon start to kick in... Later J
Here's the catfish update for 8/29. This week saw Jon posting two over 30 and taking the lead and Brett posting a 29 to move up one spot. Congratulations on a very good week and to Jon for moving up to the top. Lots of big cats still to be caught though!

[Image: 8-29-2023-Update.jpg]
Mr. and Mrs. J  are in again.

Didn't realize I needed a new placard!
 Hope this will do for now

[Image: utah-lake-thirty-inch-moma-31-aug-2023.jpg]

Utah Lake
31 Aug 2023
Here's the update for 9 6 2023. Jon and Julie posted 31's and Richard posted two 30's.

It didn't change the leaders, but Julie and Richard both moved up and are in position to challenge any day. Keep them coming!

[Image: 9-6-2023-Update.jpg]

Here's the cat contest update for 9/12/2023. Good fish were posted by Lynn and Violet Violet moved up 10 places in the rankings and is right behind Richard. Hopefully we have a few more  weeks of these large fish before things slow for the fall.

[Image: update-09-12-2023.jpg]

Help!!!! Sorry I had my computer do a weird save the other day and I found a fish that wasn't updated on my spreadsheet today, so that put me in panic mode.... I may have not gotten your recent fish updated on the challenge board.  If so will you please PM me and I'll get it updated for you.  Sorry I checked a few posts in the time range that I thought it happened, but I may have missed yours, if so please let me know so I can fix it... Sorry about that oops...  Jim your white bass was the one I noticed was missing... 

Anyway this is my most current update of the challenge, I hope we have things close as we start into the tailend of the challenge... Lots of great fish showing up a pair of 12.5" whitebass (Jim and Vi), Brett nailed a moster gill at 9" so really great fish showing up.... I won't mention the cats because they have been off the charts lately...  Anyway great job everyone, you're getting some great fish... Later Jeff
Here's the cat contest update for 9/19/2023. We had fish over 30 posted by Violet, Richard and Lynn. Richard and Vi are coming on strong and she has moved into 5th place. Great week!

[Image: update-09-19-2023.jpg]
Here are the standings for the Cat Contest as of 10/4/2023. No change in placement this week, but Brett and Jon increased their scores with fish over 30. Congrats to both, especially Jon for the longest one of the season at 33.5 inches!

[Image: 10-4-2023-update.jpg]

Here is the Cat update for 10/11/23. Just one fish entered this week, a 31" cat by John (Ahi1953) that moves him it second place by himself. Were getting down to the stretch so don't let up!

[Image: 10-11-2023-update.jpg]

With a little over two weeks left in the contest here are the standings per what I have recorded... Again if I have missed some of your scores please remind me and I'll get things reviewed and corrected as best as I can... Congrats to some really great fish in the contest so far, I'm really feeling bad about not being more involved this time...  But I've been saving up my fishing trips for the winter challenge, so hope to get out a lot more for that one...  Great job everyone and good luck in the next two weeks to get what you've been wanting to catch... Later Jeff
Less than a week to go. Only one fish posted this week, but it was a good one at 31.5 by Pisco. Time for the final kick.

[Image: 10-25-23-Update.jpg]

Last weekend to get out, the cold temps may make things difficult at least in the cat bracket... Good luck on whatever you try... Later J
Last Day of the contest, good luck today if you get a chance to get out.... We'll get some results soon.... Please get all your final entries in by tomorrow and I'll try to get the results finalized on Thursday... Later Jeff
Fall Challenge Winners Posting:
The winner on the Fall Challenge for 2023 is Jon (Dirtbag) He just edged out Jim his boatmate for the contest... Way to go Jon!!! Jim nice job as well...
Our Catfish category winner is Jon at 33.5"
Our Panfish cat winner is a tie between Richard and Violet Johnson with 13" Whitebass
Our Trout cat winner is Jim (Pisco) with a 22" Cutthroat
Our Bass cat winner is Jim with a 16" Smallie
Our Predator winner is Mike with a 27" Walleye
Our Other category winner is Brett with a 31" Carp
Way to go everyone that's some really nice fish.... We will try and get our prizes out to Jon, and if any category prizes are located, we'll try to pass some of those out as well.. Sorry I don't have a ton of prizes and I still owe Phong his prize from the drawing....  Thank you all for your participation... Jeff
(11-02-2023, 08:41 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: [ -> ]Fall Challenge Winners Posting:
The winner on the Fall Challenge for 2023 is Jon (Dirtbag) He just edged out Jim his boatmate for the contest... Way to go Jon!!! Jim nice job as well...
Our Catfish category winner is Jon at 33.5"
Our Panfish cat winner is a tie between Richard and Violet Johnson with 13" Whitebass
Our Trout cat winner is Jim (Pisco) with a 22" Cutthroat
Our Bass cat winner is Jim with a 16" Smallie
Our Predator winner is Mike with a 27" Walleye
Our Other category winner is Brett with a 31" Carp
Way to go everyone that's some really nice fish.... We will try and get our prizes out to Jon, and if any category prizes are located, we'll try to pass some of those out as well.. Sorry I don't have a ton of prizes and I still owe Phong his prize from the drawing....  Thank you all for your participation... Jeff
Congrats to Dirtbag and the other winners. Also, very impressive 14 species for Brett (Joatmon).
Here are the final Catfish Contest Standings.

There were 16 weekly updates, since it started at the same time as the fall challenge. During that time there were 6 different anglers who held the lead, 6 lead changes and twice there was a tie for the lead. A good battle by all!

There were 21 cats 30" and over posted and the longest went to Dirtbag at 33.5" That is a lot of great fish , and there were a bunch more that weren't "bump fish" when they were caught.

In the end it was Dirtbag (Jon) in first, Pisco(Jim) in second and Ahi1953 (John) in third. Great results everyone and thanks for a lot of fun!

Our Youth Champion was Getting Some Nibs with a 29" cat and second was Catslayer with a 28.5. Looks like the future catters are going to be competitive as well.

[Image: 10-31-2023-Update.jpg]

The lower Bear River was a tough fishery this year. late warm up and high waters may have played a part in it. Still it was as always tons of fun to get out there and see what I could pull out. Southern gang had us northerners working our butts off.
Didn't get out as much this year had a little bout with cancer. After a ton of radiation treatments we've got it in remission.
We'll see what next year has in store for us. The North will rise again.
Thank you to all you that work so hard at keeping the score boards up dated.
Congrats everyone, and thanks to Jim for doing a wonderful job of taking care of the cat contest.... I really missed being involved in the catching this year... Really hope next year isn't so scattered so I can rejoin the fun and try helping the north rise again... Jon, that's a great fish at 33.5, not many bigger than that over the history of the contest... Congratulations... Later Jeff
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