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Full Version: 2023 Fall Challenge and Catfish Contest Piscophilic
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Utah Lake


Channel Cats 26.5 and 27"

White Bass 11"

[Image: Channel-Cat-26-5.jpg]

[Image: Channel-Cat-27.jpg]

[Image: White-Bass-11.jpg]

Great start Jim, 26.5, 27 channels and 11 white bass... congrats...
Utah Lake


Channel Cat 28

Mud Cat 11

[Image: Channel-Cat-28.jpg]

[Image: Mud-Cat-11.jpg]

Very nice 28" channel, 11" Mudcat confirmed...
Utah Lake 


Channel Cat 29.5

White Bass 12

[Image: Channel-Cat-29-5.jpg]

[Image: White-Bass-12-inches.jpg]

Hey Jim, confirmed at 29.5 cat and 12 WB... Congrats... J
Utah Lake 

8 12 2023

Channel Cats 30.5 and 31 inches

[Image: 30-5.jpg]

[Image: 31.jpg]

Way to crank on the big fish Jim, good for 30.5 and 31 points, almost 31.5 great fish...
Scofield Res.

8 19 2023

Cutt 18

Bow 16.5

Chub 11

[Image: Chub-11.jpg]

[Image: Cutt-18.jpg]

[Image: Rainbow-16-5.jpg]

All verified, chub 11, cut 18, bow 16.5 nice trip...
Utah Lake

9 2 2023

Channel Cat 31"

[Image: 31-Jim.jpg]

Wow that's a toad, good for 31.... You had quite the trip, was that 4 in the boat at 31 that trip?  Amazing day out congrats... J
Utah Lake

9 7 2023

White Bass 12.5"

[Image: 12-5.jpg]

Looks great Jim, 12.5 and I think the best fish in the panfish category so far this season
Utah lake


Channel Cat 31.5

[Image: 31-5.jpg]

Wow that is a great fish good for 31.5 points.... It looks bigger than it measures... congrats... J
Starvation Res.


Smallmouth Bass 16

[Image: Smallie-16.jpg]

Strawberry Res.


Cutthroat trout 19 and 22

[Image: Cutthroat-Trout-19.jpg]

[Image: Cutthroat-Trout-22.jpg]

Utah Lake 


Perch 10.5

[Image: Perch-10-5.jpg]

Black Crappie 10

[Image: Crappie-10.jpg]

Jim, were you sand bagging and not entering these until the last day???  Cut 22, Perch 10.5, Crappie 10 and smallie at 16, way to knock me off on the last day... Congrats on second place it appears with two category first place wins... Great job between you and Jon, you brought in a lot of great fish during this contest... I assume you were fishing together when most of those catches were made, so that had to be a fun run... Nice job!!!
Thanks Jeff! It has been a lot of fun fishing with Jon this year. Yes, almost all of our entries came from trips we did together. I'm not sure about the sandbagging thing. All these fish were caught in the last 4 days of the challenge. After our Friday/Saturday outing I was wiped out. I try not to post, write or edit video on Sunday as it makes me forget what the day is for. I just really didn't get time to do it until Tuesday and then Jon and I tried one last shot Tuesday morning. We were targeting white bass and I accidently got my first crappie and perch of the year.
No worries Jim, I was just teasing about the sand bagging, we give a week on entries with no questions asked until the end of the contest when you have to have them in the next day so we can finalize the results... So hope you didn't stress about that, hard to show teasing text over the computer... I don't see any other entries this morning, so I'll try to put out the final results as I get time to look them over and hopefully see if I made any mistakes, but it looks like you and Jon most likely have won....More later to make it official...