Fishing Forum

Full Version: Willard Tuesday 10-17
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Hit the water around 8:00. Caught 2 very small wipers around the stockyard. Finally got a decent catfish (24") in 12.2 FOW around 11:00.
Really slow day but not skunked thanks to Tubedude's fligs and nightcrawlers. Beautiful day on the water. 
Water was 57.2 at 8:00 and 61.8 at 1:30.
(10-18-2023, 05:03 PM)UTMike Wrote: [ -> ]Hit the water around 8:00. Caught 2 very small wipers around the stockyard. Finally got a decent catfish (24") in 12.2 FOW around 11:00.
Really slow day but not skunked thanks to Tubedude's fligs and nightcrawlers. Beautiful day on the water. 
Water was 57.2 at 8:00 and 61.8 at 1:30.

Sounds like there was a bunch of us out there yesterday, glad you found some willing fish and a 24" cat is a good one. Years ago we rarely did good at Willard in the Fall but once we slowed down and started slow trolling with fligs our catch rate improved. What color flig were you using?