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Flaming Gorge Reservoir fishing locations for small Lake Trout and Burbot

This document includes images of Flaming Gorge Reservoir clipped from Navionics ChartViewer. There are ten images in total, each showing a different section of the reservoir
from the Blacks Fork and Green River arms down to the dam in Utah. Color coded circles have been added to the images to identify Burbot and small Lake Trout locations that in
years prior, have been shown to hold fish. Many of these locations are validated as they have been fished by Department biologists over the years. There are also locations
identified that we are confident will produce fish despite not having fished them. One tip to keep in mind, not all the spots are going to hold fish every day. Keep moving until
you find active fish, especially when you are looking for small Lake Trout. This tip applies whether you are shore, boat or ice fishing. Another tip is to send your lure down even
if you see no fish on sonar. Both small Lake Trout and Burbot have a tendency to live close to the bottom and will be hidden in the ‘noise’ of the sonar pings.
Red circles - Identify good Burbot habitats. These areas include flats and slopes adjacent to cliff and rocky habitats that Burbot hide in during daylight hours. The identified
habitats are going to be the most productive during the colder months (October through May) both from a boat and through the ice. Burbot are most active from just before sunset
to just after sunrise. Lures that glow catch a lot of Burbot. Make your lure more enticing by adding a piece of cut bait such as sucker meat that is one inch long by ½ inch wide.
For more tips on catching Burbot check out the “Tips for catching Burbot” document on the Flaming Gorge Management page of the Department’s Green River Region webpage.
Yellow circles - Identify small Lake Trout (14-24 inches) habitats. These areas include flats adjacent to deep water, draws, ridges, etc. Small Lake Trout are most active early and
late in the day and under the right conditions, can be active all day. They are typically found in water from 40 to 80 feet when they are actively feeding but sometimes are
shallower or deeper depending on the time of day. Generally speaking, they move from shallower water to deeper water as the day progresses from sunrise to mid-day. The
movement pattern reverses in the afternoon as they move shallower to feed towards sunset. At times, they are active after dark and can be caught while pursuing Burbot. For more
tips on catching small Lake Trout check out the “Tips for catching Lake Trout” document on the Flaming Gorge Management page of the Department’s Green River Region
Purple circles - Identify spawning habitat used by shore spawn Lake Trout that are typically 19 inches to 23 inches long. These small adult Lake Trout typically move shallow
(less than 60 feet deep, often time’s less than 25 feet deep) mid-October and stay shallow for about three weeks. The timing and duration of the spawning activity varies a little
each year. If boat fishing cast jigs and lures to shore with the boat in 50-60 feet of water. Slowly retrieve the lure keeping it close to the bottom as you retrieve it. Be careful not
to get snagged, but if you are doing it right you will snag from time to time. The lure should be directly under the boat and near the bottom at the end of the retrieve. White,
chartreuse, luminescent, black and brown jigs have been productive colors, on 3/16 to 3/8 ounce jigs. Various spoons fished vertically also produce fish. Action is best during the
spawn window but some small Lake Trout remain shallow in these areas and are catchable through November.
The Navionics App is invaluable for finding the structure identified in these maps. If you don’t have the Navionics App on your phone, consider checking it out at The Navionics App provides very detailed bathymetric maps of Flaming Gorge Reservoir and makes identifying and walking or boating to
Burbot and small Lake Trout structure pretty easy. We hope this information helps you locate and catch Burbot and small Lake Trout. For more tips on catching and cooking
these two species, check out the Flaming Gorge Management page of the Green River Region webpage. Don't hesitate to call the Green River office at 307-875-3223 if you have
any additional questions; just ask for a fisheries biologist.

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Great info and pics Robert, thanks for sharing it with us.
(11-08-2023, 06:16 PM)wiperhunter2 Wrote: [ -> ]Great info and pics Robert, thanks for sharing it with us.

      Thank you Robert for sharing  that information . I for one appreciate your help.
Thanks for the sharing info. I've added it to my FG knowledge base. Hoping to get up there a few times this ice season, but have never been during open water season. I've watched a few videos of people fishing from boats and catching lake trout pups and burbot and looks like a good time.