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Full Version: East Canyon and Echo ice
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Well okay some skim ice in the shallow backwaters but both have less than yesterday.

I informed our high school fishing club that it will be an open water event Friday and Saturday. If you see me ridding herd on a pack of ruffians over Rockport way, herd some fish our way and drop by to say hello. We will be there in the Mornings

I did see some bank tanglers hook up at EC and watched a boat that looked like they were jigging at Echo.
Well, Cowboy what's the plan? Perch-search or slinging

Asking for a kid I know who doesn't have a fishing club at his HS.
(12-29-2023, 02:16 AM)Springbuck1 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, Cowboy what's the plan?  Perch-search or slinging

Asking for a kid I know who doesn't have a fishing club at his HS.

We are going to hit Rockport in the AM. I will take my castable sonar and see if I can find some perch close enough to play with. Gona have the kids chase slimmers unless I can find the perch.

Likely gona try the very farthest stop on the back road. Past the boat ramp. There is a mix of flats and drops that should hold the rainbows but give me access to a bit of deeper water too.

If we cant find them there we may try the bay with the boat camping dock.

Unless you have some decent / recent shore intel?